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Take your time no short cuts it pays off in the end your shifter is on the left mine is on the right hd did that a few years good luck pm me if you need a great engine rebuilder or just to ride

I do need an engine builder but I need it in the greater buffalo area. You got any western New York connections. It wil be my dailly drive when its done. Gas prices suck.


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This is mine 01011101020301040320071004db28bb59c5db71cf6200beb1[1].jpg



"Drugs are bad...mmmkay!"
Old Bethpage
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Hyabusa.....*DROOL to the 10th power*. That has to be my favorite bike. Warm weather is the best just because that is when you see those huge rider packs heading out here on the island. Last year my wife and I were on the LIE going east around exit 63 and it came to a total stand still. I was able to stick my head out the sunroof and was able to see literally HUNDREDS of bikers merging on the LIE with the help of some of my fellow officers of the Suffolk County Higway Patrol. Just awsome seeing so many. I wish I could get one but, yup, once again, wifey won't stand for it. *sigh*. Has anyone seen Jay Lenos Y2K? He said while stopped at a light, a driver wanted to get a closer look and inched up on his rear and his bumper started to melt. LOL! WHOOPS! Wxl14, you have to post a pic of your bike!!!
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Fairfield NJ
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here is a pic of my bike and my car. Its and old pic of my bike when it had the origional dual exhaust.


  • busa.jpg
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  • IMG_5820-vi.jpg
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I had a Vulcan, it was nice. Sold it when wifey got pregnant with my daughter cause we were moing to a condo and there was no parking for it there. Maybe when I retire I'll grab another bike not too sure yet. Until then I'll just drool over everyone elses.


Fairfield NJ
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how hard is it to master a bike? i've always wanted to get one and was seriously considering one for the summer. My only experience is my old dirt bike

The first thing I would do if i was you would be to get my motorcycle license Take a motorcycle safety course where they teach you how to ride. Its usually 15 hours long you ride a small 200cc bike and learn a lot of great things. if you still want to get a bike after the course and you get your license dont go over 750cc.. Not for your first bike. After a year or two depending how much riding you get in then go for bigger. The secret to riding is easy. Anyone can go really fast on a bike. Its going slow that is a challenge.

New York
Check out this website has some info. Should help you get started.
New Jersey
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Advanced Reefer
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hey if any manhattan reefers know how to put bikes together i will go riding.i have a 2002 sportster which i took apart 2 years ago and havent put it back together due to work and injury.i wanted to put new bars on to make it comfortable for my back and havent done a thing since.shoot me a pm.

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