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One to Ignore
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Thought someone might be interested... Was walking behind my house to go to my car, when I looked up and saw this on the retaining wall.


I ran back inside to get my camera and took that picture from my bedroom window, looking through the window and the screen...which accounts for its quality. I then went back outside, but he saw me as I was about to take the pic. He sorted of lifted his body up and then took off like a dart straight up carrying the pigeon with him. The best I can tell he is a Broad-Wing Falcon.


Experienced Reefer
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that is unbelievable. Good thing you thought to grab your camera. I've seen a falcon snatch a pigeon in flight but I didn't have it on film. People refuse to believe that we have awesome wildlife in this city. Thanks to people like you who catch it on film, we all can brag about it.

Thanks for sharing


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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yeah there was some famous falcon roost on a building in manhattan, they even had a cam on it. I forget where it was now, it's been at least 8-9 years. This one here may have been an offspring of that couple.


One to Ignore
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There are something along the lines of 16 pairs of Peregrine Falcons in the city. They roost on the tops of the some buildings and bridges. The Triboro bridge, has a pair and it is very, very close to me.

This is a broad-wing hawk (i mistakenly referred to it as a falcon bove, as I orignially thought it might be a juvenile peregrine). I did a little research and it was probably only passing through. Although I don't know that much about it. Astoria park which is two blocks from me, has a sign advising that Astoria park is major way station for the east coast bird migration.
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C&S Miracle Makers
Plainview L.I.
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I had 1 a couple of years ago there was a horrible screech and then it landed in my flower bed and was ripping the feathers off of whatever bird there was to far to get a picture but was real cool to watch hey it's life . I think there are a pair in manhatten that they watch and I think it was the other day they were reporting about them that there were eggs in there nest. I also believe a couple of years ago they let some loose in the city to take care of the over population of the pidgeons.


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cool Matt, reminds me of one of my favorite stories
this was a few years ago...


NEW YORK (Reuters) - The use of hawks to control the pigeon population at a park near New York's Times Square has been suspended after one of the birds attacked a Chihuahua, mistaking the miniature dog for a rat. Master falconer Thomas Cullen, who designed the Bryant Park hawk patrol, said a Harris hawk named Galan had made "an honest mistake" on Tuesday when he spotted some rustling in the shrubbery. "I believe the bird mistook it for a rodent and pounced on it," Cullen said on Thursday. The Chihuahua was taken to a local vet and treated for scratches and a minor puncture wound, said Joe Carella, a spokesman for Bryant Park Restoration, which manages the park one block east of bustling Times Square. Neither the dog nor the owner were particularly shaken up by the incident, Carella added. It was the first incident of its kind since the hawk patrol began in April, Cullen said. Parks Department officials suspended the program pending further review. Carella said the patrol, which uses a rotating crew of five hawks and costs about $6,000 (3,700 pounds) a month, had been a hit with parkgoers, helping to quell a deluge of pigeon droppings at the park -- a popular lunch spot. The pigeon population has been cut in half, said Carella, adding park officials have received a slew of emails in support of the programme since the incident. Cullen proposed changes to cut the chance of a similar incident. The falconer said he would remove Galan, who has caught several rodents during the patrols, from the rotation and take extra precautions with the other birds. "It seems like a silly little thing to do, but I would superglue little beads to the tip of the talons of the hawk so it can't hurt anything," he said.


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yeah there was some famous falcon roost on a building in manhattan, they even had a cam on it. I forget where it was now, it's been at least 8-9 years. This one here may have been an offspring of that couple.

Its still around - they are Peregrine falcons. There was also a cam for some time on a nest built by a pair of red-tailed hawks.

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