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I see all sorts of Hawks when I am hiking, usually in Harriman State Park. But it is one thing to see them north of the bronx, it is quite another to see one behind my house in Astoria.

The real attraction up there are the Gold Eagles. If you have never seen one, they are absolutely unbelievable. Six foot wing span. I have only seen them a handful of times even thought I have hiked throughout that park an innumerable amount of time,


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OT, matt what's up with your tank? :) any updates?

Update coming soon.

I have been wanting to take some pictures, and do an update for the longest time. I just haven't had the time, I don't think I have ever been so busy. With the time I have to spend with my tank, the choice is always take some pictures or do some maintenance. Maintenance always wins out.

I am definitely a deadline driven guy. I'll have an update by week's end, that should give me some motivation.
Upper East Side
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There are lots of cool birds in central park.



I mean, they're tame, fat, city birds. But still! :) I've seen birds of prey above central park too - don't know enough about them to say which ones though.


One to Ignore
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There are lots of cool birds in central park.



I mean, they're tame, fat, city birds. But still! :) I've seen birds of prey above central park too - don't know enough about them to say which ones though.

Cool photo, is that your hand.

That's a titmouse of some sort, a tufted titmouse would be my guess. I used to be able to get chickadees to land on my hand at my grandmothers out in Southhampton.

The bird of prey most often seen in the City is the peregrine falcon, I posted links on them on the first page. (not saying that is what you saw, just providing some info)


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Massapequa NY
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The Metlife building has a falcons that nest there in fact they put a steel pirch there for them they keep a camera on them. They are tagged. I seen one catch a bird in flight to bring it to the nest for the babies. Beautiful bird. Nice shot.

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