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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Yep, that's one of my favorites! Couldn't register there either!:( I sent Eric an email concerning the both problems - the registering issue & the problem with Heaven. I'm waiting for a responce from him. Hopefully, he'll get back to me soon.;)
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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Because, like a man he didn't want to castrate his boy! Trust me we have been on him for this for the past 3 years. I think we are getting through to him.. My father felt the same way about us getting our big boy neutered. My dad swears we ruined our boy by getting him fixed... He doesn't care that our girl got fixed, it seems to be a man thing!

Pinkheine, I was finally able to register on PBSmile.;)


No More Room :-(
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Because, like a man he didn't want to castrate his boy! Trust me we have been on him for this for the past 3 years. I think we are getting through to him.. My father felt the same way about us getting our big boy neutered. My dad swears we ruined our boy by getting him fixed... He doesn't care that our girl got fixed, it seems to be a man thing!

Pinkheine, I was finally able to register on PBSmile.;)

That's awesome. No help on PBF yet. And on the site I don't see a contact anywhere, all I see is the FAQs that say check your password blah blah blah.

You can tell your son they make fake doggy balls. They are implants that they put in place when they neuter a dog. I was floored when I first heard about it, but I guess some people need their dogs to have balls. :lol2:


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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All my big boy did during the fight was to growl really loud, and pin her down to the ground. He wouldn't bite her, he just flipped her on her back, and held her down. This is what has me thinking that now my son's boy thinks my male is weak, and he should challenge him. Fortunately my son's dog goes home soon.;)

That is what a normal well adjusted alpha male dog would do. Your son's dog is probably testing your dog since he isn't fixed and they are in the presence of a female. Since in the wild only the alpha males get to mate. But the problem to me sounds like you treat the dogs too much like humans and not enough like dogs, you need to excersize them more and give them discipline when they are out of line.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Thanks Pinkheine! Now I've heard it all!LOL I will let my son know. I can see his face all ready.LOL:rolleyes:

But the problem to me sounds like you treat the dogs too much like humans and not enough like dogs, you need to excersize them more and give them discipline when they are out of line.

How so? You are correct in the excersize them more since I am now riddled with arthritis, and cannot run with them, and such. And I have no one to exercise them more then the exercise they get running and chasing each other around the yard and house.
As far as discipline goes they are well disciplined. My dogs have always known their place. It is this one little nut job that has come to give me a run for my money.;) The other two, and my son's dog do not challenge me ever. And actually Heaven doesn't challenge me either, it is poor Nehron that she challenges.
My son's dog went home last night, but before leaving he, and my dog were fine again.;)


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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Exercise by walkings and making sure they follow behind you. It's more of a mental exercise for them to not be pulling you around all over the place and sniffing everything they see. When they just play by themselves in the yard they just run on adrenaline and they don't really build that respect for you and won't get a mental work out. If you can just get a neighborhood kid or someone else to help you walk all the dogs together. One crazy idea you could try is to train them to pull a cart with you in it, so they wil focus on pulling you and not trying to kill each other.

Also question is Nehron the only female pit you have? She may be trying to challenge you for alpha female status.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Killerdrgn, I don't think you have understood the situation!;)

Nehron is a neutered male, who does not challenge anyone!! He is a big goof ball wanting nothing more then to play, and lather anyone who lets him with kisses.
Also, none of my dogs challenge ME! It is just one of the females who is attacking/challenging poor Nehron.

When I walk the dogs they are never allowed to pull me!!!!!! They tried that, and they got put on "Prong Collars".
Them pulling me in a cart would be not only ridiculously funny, but tantamount to abuse since I am no small female.

The walking of the dogs will resume once my broken foot, and torn knee heal.;) Hopefully soon.....

But I do want to thank you for your input none the less!;)


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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OHHHH ok! whoops misread the thread. Sorry, thought it was the female that was challenging YOU. Instead of the cart you could also get a backpack for the female so she can carry stuff. Plus less strong dogs, Huskies like mine, pull more weight than you can possibly weigh through the 11,000 mile iditarod. A single dog weighing 60 lbs can pull 2000 lbs. http://www.krabloonik.com/faq.html#S6

And so the goal is to make them tired, so as they say a tired dog is a good dog.


No More Room :-(
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OHHHH ok! whoops misread the thread. Sorry, thought it was the female that was challenging YOU. Instead of the cart you could also get a backpack for the female so she can carry stuff. Plus less strong dogs, Huskies like mine, pull more weight than you can possibly weigh through the 11,000 mile iditarod. A single dog weighing 60 lbs can pull 2000 lbs. http://www.krabloonik.com/faq.html#S6

And so the goal is to make them tired, so as they say a tired dog is a good dog.

Normally I would totally be in agreement with you on the tired dog is a happy/good dog. But in this instance I think there is more to it. We are talking about a 2 year old Pit Bull. At two years old dogs typically come into their own. It is not unlikely that a 2 year old Pit Bull may have some dog aggression, even if none was displayed in the past. It is part of what the breed is, even if socialized all their lives it is still something that any Pit Bull owner is or should be aware of. Can it never become an issue, sure. But in the same instance it can become an issue in some situations as well.

I think that Awibrandy is doing the right thing. Crate and rotate is no way for the dogs nor her to enjoy one another. And taking chances that "maybe" something won't happen isn't good either. In some instances we all have to make some tuff decisions with what we have available to us.

We rehomed our female Boxer who at two years of age was relentless attacking our 3 year old AmStaff, it was terrible and all the training and exercise in the world wouldn't have helped her to get along without fighting. It was heartbreaking and I still miss her terribly, but we had to do what was fair and right for everyone involved including the dogs.

Awibrandy... any word back from SPBR? If ya like PM would love it if you could update me on what's going on. :dog2:


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Killerdrgn, thanks. The back packs is something I've been telling my husband we should get for the dogs so they can carry their own water.;) And no I don't weigh 2000 lbs.LOL

Pinkheine, nothing on the re homing!:( The advice I have gotten from SPBR has been what I have all ready been doing. Which is good for me to see that I am not doing anything wrong by other's standards. And the fact that I am not alone in this! Like the old saying goes, "misery loves company".lol And by the way, they are totally against the re homing thing. Some feels that I would only be passing on my problems to some one else.:( Ridiculous!! I am only trying to make sure Heaven gets the opportunity to live a happy life.;)
We have now moved up to allowing her time with the other female (Yava), but none with Nehron, or us. Time with Yava, because she has never even tried to start anything with Yava. Yava apparently is second in command behind me. I am alpha, she is what ever comes after that.lol
I plan to allow her time with the family this coming Sunday, and from there on no time with Nehron unless I am present the entire time. My reasoning is that although they've had squabbles in my presence they have never escalated to fights. I don't allow it!!! The full blown out fights have been in the presence of my husband, sons, or when they've been alone. I also plan to get her fixed as soon as we can free up some cash, or perhaps I'll get my neighbor to say She is her dog, and get her spayed for free with the neighbor's disability ID through the ASPCA Mobil Clinic. Not sure I can pull that one off - I'm not a good liar.lol
Any way, I'm hopeful! I'll keep you posted! What ever happens Heaven will never see the inside of any shelter as long as I am a life!!;)

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