Killerdrgn, thanks. The back packs is something I've been telling my husband we should get for the dogs so they can carry their own water.

And no I don't weigh 2000 lbs.LOL
Pinkheine, nothing on the re homing!

The advice I have gotten from SPBR has been what I have all ready been doing. Which is good for me to see that I am not doing anything wrong by other's standards. And the fact that I am not alone in this! Like the old saying goes, "misery loves company".lol And by the way, they are totally against the re homing thing. Some feels that I would only be passing on my problems to some one else.

Ridiculous!! I am only trying to make sure Heaven gets the opportunity to live a happy life.

We have now moved up to allowing her time with the other female (Yava), but none with Nehron, or us. Time with Yava, because she has never even tried to start anything with Yava. Yava apparently is second in command behind me. I am alpha, she is what ever comes after
I plan to allow her time with the family this coming Sunday, and from there on no time with Nehron unless I am present the entire time. My reasoning is that although they've had squabbles in my presence they have never escalated to fights. I don't allow it!!! The full blown out fights have been in the presence of my husband, sons, or when they've been alone. I also plan to get her fixed as soon as we can free up some cash, or perhaps I'll get my neighbor to say She is her dog, and get her spayed for free with the neighbor's disability ID through the ASPCA Mobil Clinic. Not sure I can pull that one off - I'm not a good
Any way, I'm hopeful! I'll keep you posted! What ever happens Heaven will never see the inside of any shelter as long as I am a life!!