- Location
- Union Square, NY
Did anyone get all of that? That last episode answered a LOT of long standing quetion!
Desmond has the ability to go back and forth in time but may kill him even before seeing his dear Penny.:frown:
Clearly, but that was explained by the polar bear in the desert.
I sensed a bunch more that can be explained:
No one is going nowhere in this season.Clearly nearly all the future events have been shown and won't happen this season.We know Claire won't make it with little Aaron.Love the show with all the twists and all.
Michael and Walt leaving the island: probably stuck in the warp
The spy on the boat: Unknown
Who cut the wires in the ship: Probably the spy
The guys in the polar monitoring station: Definitly working for penny since they call her and she confirmed she knew about the island for 3 years now.
The plane on the bottom of the ocean: Dharma coverup
The Oceanic 6: Hurley, Jack, Kate, Sayyid, Jin, and Sun; the 6 does not include previous inhabitents of the island.
Hurley's friend who gave him the numbers: Just some crazy dude that heard em over the radio from before Rousseau changed the broadcast.
The blackrock, and the book belonging to Hanso: Dunno
Sightings of the horse, Hurley's imaginary friend, and Michael on the island
The airlifts (lockdowns): Dharma is probably still operational
Something to do with the failed pregnancies: should also include why do people heal so fast on the island.
Ben having a lot of money and passports: Dunno
The need for a submarine and the trip to get to the island: Left over from the Dharma inititive recruiting program.
I predict that Michael is Ben's spy on the ship.
I want to know who the first mate is from the Black Rock. My guess is that it's one of the weird Others who seem never to age.
I predict that Michael is Ben's spy on the ship.
I want to know who the first mate is from the Black Rock. My guess is that it's one of the weird Others who seem never to age.
Real interesting episode.
As for the black cloud thing. It hasn't been around since the explosion. Or did i miss something?
And josh, the airplane in the sea... ever think it was a coverup plane placed there by someone?
Any links to the 2 rabbits video?
And the plane is highly probable as a coverup because of the pilot thing.
whats up with the god loves you as he loved jacob in the movie?
where was the two bunnies video? i didn't remember it at all.