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in the coral sea...
Union Square, NY
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Clearly, but that was explained by the polar bear in the desert.

I sensed a bunch more that can be explained:

Michael and Walt leaving the island
The spy on the boat
Who cut the wires in the ship
The guys in the polar monitoring station
The plane on the bottom of the ocean
The Oceanic 6
Hurley's friend who gave him the numbers
The blackrock, and the book belonging to Hanso
Sightings of the horse, Hurley's imaginary friend, and Michael on the island
The airlifts (lockdowns)
Something to do with the failed pregnancies
Ben having a lot of money and passports
The need for a submarine and the trip to get to the island



Old School Reefer
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No one is going nowhere in this season.Clearly nearly all the future events have been shown and won't happen this season.We know Claire won't make it with little Aaron.Love the show with all the twists and all.


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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Clearly, but that was explained by the polar bear in the desert.

I sensed a bunch more that can be explained:


Michael and Walt leaving the island: probably stuck in the warp

The spy on the boat: Unknown

Who cut the wires in the ship: Probably the spy

The guys in the polar monitoring station: Definitly working for penny since they call her and she confirmed she knew about the island for 3 years now.

The plane on the bottom of the ocean: Dharma coverup

The Oceanic 6: Hurley, Jack, Kate, Sayyid, Jin, and Sun; the 6 does not include previous inhabitents of the island.

Hurley's friend who gave him the numbers: Just some crazy dude that heard em over the radio from before Rousseau changed the broadcast.

The blackrock, and the book belonging to Hanso: Dunno

Sightings of the horse, Hurley's imaginary friend, and Michael on the island

The airlifts (lockdowns): Dharma is probably still operational

Something to do with the failed pregnancies: should also include why do people heal so fast on the island.

Ben having a lot of money and passports: Dunno

The need for a submarine and the trip to get to the island: Left over from the Dharma inititive recruiting program.


in the coral sea...
Union Square, NY
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90   0   0
Michael and Walt leaving the island: probably stuck in the warp

The spy on the boat: Unknown

Who cut the wires in the ship: Probably the spy

The guys in the polar monitoring station: Definitly working for penny since they call her and she confirmed she knew about the island for 3 years now.

The plane on the bottom of the ocean: Dharma coverup

The Oceanic 6: Hurley, Jack, Kate, Sayyid, Jin, and Sun; the 6 does not include previous inhabitents of the island.

Hurley's friend who gave him the numbers: Just some crazy dude that heard em over the radio from before Rousseau changed the broadcast.

The blackrock, and the book belonging to Hanso: Dunno

Sightings of the horse, Hurley's imaginary friend, and Michael on the island

The airlifts (lockdowns): Dharma is probably still operational

Something to do with the failed pregnancies: should also include why do people heal so fast on the island.

Ben having a lot of money and passports: Dunno

The need for a submarine and the trip to get to the island: Left over from the Dharma inititive recruiting program.

Spy: Walt, working for Ben after being somewhat brainwashed. Ben directed them to where the boat was looking for them when he gave them the boat and told them to get off the island

Plane on the bottom of the sea: Plane hit the time rift barrier when Desmond didn't push the button, one version of the plane went into the ocean and all died, one version went onto the island

Oceanic 6: Can't be Jin and Sun, since only one of them could be one of the 6 if you are naming the other 4. Don't forget baby Aaron is #5.

Submarine: Needed to make it through the rift regularly, very rocky due to the persistent weather problems at the edge

Ben's passports and money: He can come and go on the island as he pleases. He was able to get Locke's father onto the island. He is a veterinarian in the future with Sayid as his expert killer.

Hanso: Originally owned the book from the Blackrock. The Blackrock crashed onto the island. The captain described the incident, wrote it in the book, and somehow the book made it off the island. Penelope's father knows what is in the book which is why he bid on it. He later gives desmond money (perhaps trying to get him to leave his daughter alone) and then Desmond takes the "race around the world" which is probably just his coverup for trying to find the island after he reads the contents of the book or is compelled to make the trip by Penelope's father.

The "natives" that take over the Dharma initiative? Perhaps the descendents of the original Blackrock!

Just my ideas but a lot of things make sense. You have seen the Dharma training video with the two rabbits right?


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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I predict that Michael is Ben's spy on the ship.

I want to know who the first mate is from the Black Rock. My guess is that it's one of the weird Others who seem never to age.

That is possible since he's suposed to come back this season, but then how would Ben have known to send micheal out that way? But wouldn't they have mentioned that they picked up someone out at sea?

The recruiter guy could have been from the Black Rock since he's the one that never seems to age. Then again he could be another emmisary of Jacob, like Walt, and Jack's dad.


in the coral sea...
Union Square, NY
Rating - 100%
90   0   0
Real interesting episode.

As for the black cloud thing. It hasn't been around since the explosion. Or did i miss something?

And josh, the airplane in the sea... ever think it was a coverup plane placed there by someone?

Any links to the 2 rabbits video?

The plane? Sure, it could have been planted, but watch this video and you might change your mind about the 2nd plane theory!


Also, the black cloud made an appearance last season when the girls were handcuffed to each other in the jungle.


in the coral sea...
Union Square, NY
Rating - 100%
90   0   0
whats up with the god loves you as he loved jacob in the movie?

Let's say for example that the island has healing properties (we know this from Locke, Ben, Sayid's and whats her name's injuries).

What if Jacob was actually on the island for a long time? LONG. Like from the Blackrock. If he had indeed outlived everyone (or outkilled), he could be in a God-like position to influence other island dwellers, especially if he has the ability to brainwash people as he clearly has.

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