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Love da Reef-er
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First you start off by looking for a reputable ISP (internet service provider)..then try not to be cheap and get a good router that will maintain a decent signal.....last but not least remember to pay your bill........

This thread was not intended for Deanos at all.........


One to Ignore
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You wouldn't believe how many Americans are still using dial up.I remember the 28k modems.Slow as hell.

I don't remember where I was looking, but on some retail site I was at recently they stated that 1/3 of all there customers used dial up....

I just thought that it was old information...
that couldn't possible be correct:headache:
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You forget to mention step ZERO is to have a proper address. My new address is not in the computer system of many corporate databse and Time Warner(NY) has yet to put my address into theirs even though I have requested months ago! It's like ID theft, one floor of the tenant used the old established address in their new service and then everyone else in building cannot set up new accounts.

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