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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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If you are the type of individual who is fastidious as I am, I recommend that you do not use 1-800-Flowers!!
The 1st. pic is what was ordered, the 2nd.pic is what was delivered.
My darling husband ordered a bouquet of Roses in a red vase to be delivered to me yesterday. They did deliver them yesterday which is the only thing they did right.
The roses were not fresh, and the vase is not the square red vase(nothing even remotely close to it). This morning when I got up the roses were already wilting & frayed.

They claim to guarentee their products so I called their customer service number. After being on hold for approximately 15 min., I got to speak with a gentlemen that promptly told me that they did not guarantee that the vase in the picture would be what I would infact receive. Furtheremore I should hydrate the flowers. As compensation he was authorized to offer me a 20% discount towards a future order. Which I turned down since I have no intentions of ever using them again. He then offered to send me another dozen roses of which he did not know when they would be delivered.

Use 1-800-Flowers at your own risk!:grumpy:

By the way do not get me wrong! I Love the fact that my honey sent me roses after 35yrs.!:biggrin:


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    2-14-08 1-800-FLOWERS Roses 001_800x450.jpg
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shame shame shame

am not surprise . . . . . with so many orders being placed for the big Vday.
They concentrate on jsut filling the order with what ever they have available.

With no concerns for the customers

well at least ur honey showed u love ;)


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I have purchased lots of time from them too, their flower is not that fresh, but when I call in to make a complain, one time they did refund it to me, and other time they send me a coupons for it.. That's why I don't buy from them anymore, I buy it from Proflowers.com, their flowers are much fresher and customer service are friendly too.


C&S Miracle Makers
Plainview L.I.
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Being in the florist bussiness I hear you I hate 1-800 They send us orders over the ftd and teleflora and we reject them. They are jerks if you weren't home they would've left them on your stoop to die in the cold or the hot also. Your best bet is to use a mom and pop store these on line stores don't know what there doing. You don't ever talk to a real florist just a person at a desk who knows nothing about flowers and sells you flowers that are not in season. Example today I recieved an order from an online place today that had christmas greens (pine and all) in it. I do not have those greens there not in season. The people at these places have no idea what is going on in flower world. Roses that were being sold on these sights for 29.99 are these little short roses and the pictures are really decieving. I'm really sorry about your flowers and also I can't see the 2nd pic you put up on what you recieved.
Totally use a mom and pop store next time and on a happy note I am just so happy that it is all over now I can go to sleep and relax I worked till 3:30 am the day before valentine's day to make all these flowers for every one to be back at 8am to finally lock the door at 8pm to go home to pass out, this week alone was 67 hours.


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Sorry Awilda :( Hurry up and dry them so you can save them for the next 35yrs. :)

Wimby, doesn't the online stores outsource their orders to local mom and pop stores? If so, does these local stores give the crappy flowers to the online orders and save the good ones for their customers?


C&S Miracle Makers
Plainview L.I.
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Sometimes we get them and we reject them cause they never give us enough money or again they sell flowers that we do not have. We contact them so they can contact the customer to let them know we don't have the flower or whatever and the on line places usually cancel the order and try to find someone who can fill there order. We get alot of orders from a place called flowers today still a bunch of not so smarts. 1 -800 send there orders to one of there stores since I do not have a 800 store in my town they come to us no idea why they don't send it to there store 1 town over. If it has an 800 card it's theres if not they send it along to someone who can fill it. I am sorry if I am not making sence I am really beat . And for valentine's day our roses went for $75 a dozen in vase and all and they were tall normally $55 in a vase. If they sent me an order for 29.99 for 12 roses in a vase we would laugh at them 1/2 dz went for 37.50. Buy us for 29.99 you would get roses that were like 12 inches tall and as for other flowers like mixed bouquets and all we fill the order to the price, you ask for a $35 vase you get a $35 vase. We treat every order the same whether its our customer or someone online. As long as we have the product to fill the order we will. ahhhhh I can't get away from work lolol also my store has been in business since 1964 or is it 62 heck it was before I was born and I have been with them for 14 years now pretty weird that I work for the man who made my communion bouquet and my prom corsage. Lolol again sorry if I babbled I'm not good at explainging things
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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Thank you Guys! The pic of the actual delivery is up in 1st.post now.;) I've no idea what happened earlier.:(

Wimby, I believe I know what Florist Shop mine came from. One of the delivery guys was wearing a shirt with the enblem of the Ambulance Co. my son does volunteer work. Which happens to be right above a Mom & Pop's Flower Shop.lol I should take them back there myself.lol Wouldn't be surprised if it had a to do with the fact that they were coming to "Far Rockaway", and not "Howard Beach" as much as being an online order.
Wimby, if you go to the 1-800-Flowers.com, and look up the above bouquet you will see that the price was not $29.99 but $85 plus shipping, and what ever else he paid for. My son told me he paid more then that. So it wasn't that hubby was being cheap, but the fact that he works 8am - 7pm and didn't have the time to run to a flower shop. And by the way, I also got a beautifull 4 diamond heart pendant representing our 4 children.;)

Back to topic! Buyer Be Ware!!! When we ordering anything online!!!


C&S Miracle Makers
Plainview L.I.
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No I wasn't saying that yours cost that it was an example of a special that they run and the customer thinks it's this big beautiful arrangment and it turns out to be this inky dinky lil thing thats all. There very decieving thats all I'm sorry you got a stinky arrangment. I hate when people order from ftd.com or teleflora.com they think there getting this big beautiful thing I try to explain to them that there not getting that and to let us do our own thing. That 1 rose looks broken and the 1 on topof that loks messed up also looks like broken during shipping call them they will replace it if it's a good place we do, we replace everything that the customer is not happy with.


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Most of those companies take the orders and then call local flower shops from what I remember. I could be wrong.


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i've definitely had the same problem previously awilda, supposidly the way the 1800 flowers come is that they're suppose to be in full bloom when they come to you, their lifespan is just a few days before they die and wilt :(


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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These didn't even last overnight!LOL;(

I sent them two emails. No response other then the automated when saying they got the email, and they will be contacting me soon.lol
I called, and the idiot on the other line said that they don't guarantee that you will get what you ordered, because they can run out of popular items. He was sorry that I didn't get what was requested, and he is authorized to send me new flowers but no garantee that I would get the correct vase, or he could send me a 20% coupon towards a future purchase..
I asked him why can't 1800flowers just ship me the vase? He just kept giving me some mumble jumbo as to why he couldn't do that. Oh, and he couldn't tell me when the new roses would be delivered either because he didn't know if they had anymore roses.
My response; Keep your flowers, and your stupid coupon, I have no intention of ever ordering anything from them. I will just move on to plan B, which is to let ALL my internet buddies, and the BBB how their company sucks with not only their delivery, but their customer service as well. Have a nice day, actually have a nice rest of the week.

Seems that they no longer really care. The guy on the phone also told me that they were overwhelmed with complaints.ROFL That he was waiting for that 1 phone call from a happy customer.LOL This is some info. I would have kept to myself.......
My poor darling husband has now learned not to use theses order over the phone places. Many years ago he ordered from a local place over the phone, and again it got messed up. That time he ordered a huge bouquet that was so suppose to represent "All My Love 4 Ever". They sent me a huge floral arrangement that looked like a funeral home arrangement.LOL
We don't have neighborhood flower shops, and he doesn't drive.;) And he tries to surprise me.;) He is a real sweat heart..


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Thanks for the info in this thread. I sent some flowers to someone in CA yesterday. I did a search and found a florist shop very close to the address I was sending the flowers to. the shop was part of teleflora and had a website that looked like it was set up by them. The flowers showed up and were perfect :)


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Smart move Jonathan!!! That is what I plan to do in the future if I can't deliver personally! Good to hear it worked out just as it should.

By the way, 1(800)flowers refunded my husband $23 of the total purchase. I would have prefered the vase.arg


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alistair :smash: I know your kidding (i hope)

if anyone lives in CT, westchester, or the bronx, the stands in grand central have good quality flowers. I've bought some from them a bunch of times and they last for a couple of weeks.


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New Jersey
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Gold ROse

Every year for valentines day i get my gf flowers.. They wilt they die and crumble.

This year i went a different route. i got her a 24 carat gold dipped 100 percent natural rose. I def know this one will not wilt or die and she will have it forever.

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