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Doesn't anybody miss me here.... I haven't logged in for over 2 weeks and here is one of the reasons why.
She is Cookie, adopted from the aspca 2 months old and the sweetest pit bull terrier... when she isn't taking a dump and a pee on my floor.
So with that said I know there are a few dog and pit owners here I need your wee-wee pad stories ..because I am getting really tired of scrubbing my floors.
She has wee-wee pads with the holder and gets 3 walks daily but in two weeks she only did No.2 twice outside.
Other than that she is doing well with my cat and her behavior is better than expected for a puppy. Picked her from a litter of three she was the quietest and the only one with wrinkled skin and a sock foot.
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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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She is only a wee baby, give her time! While training a puppy it is essential to walk them 15 minutes after the finish eating, drinking. Right after playing, and weaking up.
Don't know if your a dad or not, but remember how long it was before your little ones came out of diapers? Same with the puppy, but sooner!;)
Congratulations on the new addition, and especially for adopting her!!!!!!!!!!!!:hug: Oh, and if you haven't already get her some kong toys, anything else you will be wasting your money, and putting her in danger. They have very strong jaws as you should know.;) And make sure they are large so that she don't choke on them.

And DON'T clean up behind her with anything containing ammonia!!


Advanced Reefer
Houston TX
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she's awesome!! i have two pitts. How I trained all my Pitts [ had 5 over the last 20 years ]. When they are puppies I always caged them at night, when they get to about a year / year 1/2 then I decide when they can sleep outside the cage.

As far as peeing & pooping in the house.....nip that in the butt Now. What I used to do is if they messed in the house, put their nose in it give them a slap on the rear and talk stern.."BAD" . and either put them outside for a while, or if the cage is big enough I would line half of the cage with Paper and put the puppy on the paper. after a week or two they get the message.

I have two pitts now and {cross my fingers...lol } they haven't messed in the house in over 2 years. when they want to go out they let me know by waiting at the back door or barking at me.

this is just my method of training my pitts. If you need a cage I believe I have one 4ft x 2ft I'm not using anymore.

one of my favorite pictures: My dog BEAN {R.I.P} with my youngest daughter. they loved each other so much, Bean I thing thought she was her mother...lol they used to sit like this in my front mud room and look out the window.

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Advanced Reefer
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She is only a wee baby, give her time! While training a puppy it is essential to walk them 15 minutes after the finish eating, drinking. Right after playing, and weaking up.
Don't know if your a dad or not, but remember how long it was before your little ones came out of diapers? Same with the puppy, but sooner!;)
Congratulations on the new addition, and especially for adopting her!!!!!!!!!!!!:hug: Oh, and if you haven't already get her some kong toys, anything else you will be wasting your money, and putting her in danger. They have very strong jaws as you should know.;) And make sure they are large so that she don't choke on them.

And DON'T clean up behind her with anything containing ammonia!!

I tried the 15-20 min after she ate and it worked the first 2 days but I don't know why now she is going at such odd times now sometimes she will go 1-3 hours after she eats. Sometimes she gets in the pad and sometimes she doesn't. When i take her out I think the cold is disturbing to her, btw she goes for isolated walks away from other dogs and feces until she gets her shot which is probably happening right now,
She has the Kong and I brought her a nylon ball (big) toy for her teeth.
and I made the bleach mistake once but I had enough sense to keep her away from it till it dried up and the smell was gone.
Thanks I appreciate it.

she's awesome!! i have two pitts. How I trained all my Pitts [ had 5 over the last 20 years ]. When they are puppies I always caged them at night, when they get to about a year / year 1/2 then I decide when they can sleep outside the cage.

As far as peeing & pooping in the house.....nip that in the butt Now. What I used to do is if they messed in the house, put their nose in it give them a slap on the rear and talk stern.."BAD" . and either put them outside for a while, or if the cage is big enough I would line half of the cage with Paper and put the puppy on the paper. after a week or two they get the message.

I have two pitts now and {cross my fingers...lol } they haven't messed in the house in over 2 years. when they want to go out they let me know by waiting at the back door or barking at me.

this is just my method of training my pitts. If you need a cage I believe I have one 4ft x 2ft I'm not using anymore.

one of my favorite pictures: My dog BEAN {R.I.P} with my youngest daughter. they loved each other so much, Bean I thing thought she was her mother...lol they used to sit like this in my front mud room and look out the window.

Mine slept next to me the first 2 nights That was a nightmare...Thanks for the crate offer but that was the first thing I brought. Now she is crate trained but I don't close it at night and she stays there all night till about 6:30am.

Now the scolding when she goes inside the house is where I get a lot of contradictive info. When I adopted her I was told by the aspca do not scold at her if she goes in the house but my logic is if you don't, how will she learn she is doing something bad. So they say if you scold at her when she goes when you take her out she will not go in front of you because she associates being screamed at by you when she goes. So they make sense and so do you. I have talked firmly at her and she is getting the fact that I am the alpha. But I still am dumbfounded with that part. When I confine her to a small space in the apartment she gets the wee wee pad better. So I am going to confine her to the small space till she associates the pad with relief and update her space as she gets itif she messes up I will retract space. Hopefully we will get over this. Thanks Bueller.


Advanced Reefer
Houston TX
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I guess everyone does it different, hey, what ever works. She is Beautiful, best of luck with her, I love the breed and never had any problems with mine.

Good Luck.



Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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If you do scold her when she goes in the house, you must praise her when she does it outside. It just takes time and patience, training is not a one or two day event, you need to train and reenforce everyday.


Advanced Reefer
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I guess everyone does it different, hey, what ever works. She is Beautiful, best of luck with her, I love the breed and never had any problems with mine.

Good Luck.


That is what has me going nuts instead of the puppy being confused it's me and my girlfriend that are going to lose our minds. It's our first. You are probably the best know pit owner here so your info is golden. I'm getting the sit command pretty well as long as there are no distractions.
What do you suggest as a puppy for teething? She has 2 nylon toys and that hard brown stuff that looks like bacon after she gets done with it.

If you do scold her when she goes in the house, you must praise her when she does it outside. It just takes time and patience, training is not a one or two day event, you need to train and reenforce everyday.
That makes sense! So I guess I need some more patience too this isn't an overnight thing.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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You got it David! Scold(don't hit) indoor mistakes, but very definitely praise when she does go outside.
Yes, you will need lots of patience! Pits are wonderful dogs, I have three, my son has one, my daughter has another, and the list goes on.lol Pitties & staffies run in my family.

I know you probably don't want to hear this, but if you don't have a yard where she can go outside she really should not be going outside at all until she has had the 3 series of shots. That is just for health, there are so many diseases that she could pick up outside not just from sniffing poop.
Your doing the right thing with the chew toys, just make sure they are very hard. My dogs love the cow hoofs & ears also. Keep plenty of toys at hand, and alternate them so she doesn't get bored. Also little treats for when she does good.;)


Advanced Reefer
Throggs Neck, BX
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Over my time I have worked with 15 dogs and the best advice I can offer is to have patience. Everyone has different styles of obedience training but they all dont work on all dogs. One of the other members said it best, have patience and be consistant.

As for the pooping in the house, what I personally do, especially if I catch them, is correct the dog, immediatly grab the walking gear and go for a 30 minute walk. If and when the dog does its business outside, praise it. Thats what has worked for me. I also try to keep the walking times consistant. Three walks a day 8 hours between each walk. That keeps my nut job in check also I dont give alot of food and water in the morning to help regulate the bowel movements when I am out at work. When I return from work then she will get her full servings. Maybe for you more frequent walks will help becuase you have to remember even though she will turn out to be a medium to large breed, for right now she still has the bladder thats half the size of a tennis ball. If she drinks alot then I would definatly suggest maybe 5 walks a day if possible. This will also give you the opportunity to praise her more often when she does business outside. I hope this helps.


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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{As for the pooping in the house, what I personally do, especially if I catch them, is correct the dog, immediatly grab the walking gear and go for a 30 minute walk. If and when the dog does its business outside, praise it. Thats what has worked for me. I also try to keep the walking times consistant}
this is how i trained my pit also. use single words when correcting the dog. and as stated everyone has their opinion on what to do, but i had my last pit proffesionally trainer for personal and home protection, use to do the rub their nose in it, trainer said dont do that, if you catch them take them immediately outside, and always praise them when they do good. they arent much different then our children


Advanced Reefer
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As for the pooping in the house, what I personally do, especially if I catch them, is correct the dog, immediatly grab the walking gear and go for a 30 minute walk. If and when the dog does its business outside, praise it. Thats what has worked for me. I also try to keep the walking times consistant}
this is how i trained my pit also. use single words when correcting the dog. and as stated everyone has their opinion on what to do, but i had my last pit proffesionally trainer for personal and home protection, use to do the rub their nose in it, trainer said dont do that, if you catch them take them immediately outside, and always praise them when they do good. they arent much different then our children
I did crate training today. Kept her locked for about 2 hrs at a time and then released her for food and water and her business. When she tried to go on the floor I would firmly say no she would cut it and I raised her into the pad where she finished once, the next one she just did it on the floor about 5 inches from pad the firm no did not work. The third was a charm she farted and killed me with the smell and went soon after on the pad. I didn't take her out today because of the cold rain and the fact she is a puppy. Thanks.
I think it's me that needs the training in patience I'm expecting miracles overnight. I really appreciate all the help and pointers I'm getting I will try them.


Advanced Reefer
Houston TX
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What do you suggest as a puppy for teething? She has 2 nylon toys and that hard brown stuff that looks like bacon after she gets done with it.


that's good,
what I always get for mine when their young & old is a nice piece of rope. They have them in petsmart, they have big knots on both ends and are about a foot long. they love it. I have them grab it, hold the other end & get them shaking it.. start working with it to get them to stop on command.

would like to see some more pictures of cookie , how is your cat taking the new addition.



Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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wow so many pits in one place! I am still in the house breaking mode around here too. All I can say is hang in there they will get the idea soon enough. Your pup is still very young so she/he doesnt have much control yet but that doesnt mean you shouldnt lay down the law. Daisy is about 4 or 5 months and she is just getting to let me know when she has to go. Her kong is her favorite toy, I have 2 smaller ones right now I pack them with peanut butter and her dry dog food and freeze them. Pits are very smart just remeber to praise her for the good things and they will catch on very quickly.


Advanced Reefer
Throggs Neck, BX
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Excellant point NYReefNoob, one syllable words. Definatly want to try to keep your correcting words as short and firm as possible. Sounds like your doing good there Daivd. Keep up the good work there.

I think the only difference from ours dogs and our children is that the dogs fetch a hell of a lot better. And I havnt meet a small child that has brought me my paper in the morning.


smoke reefers
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biggest part of a pitbulls life is exercise make sure you take them out all the time and the rest will fall into place... with out that extra energy there willin to play cool and listen...


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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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inked, haven't you heard? Reefers are crazy, and you know you're suppose to be crazy to share your home with such "monsters".lol I love my pits & staffs, they are such smart loving animals.
My youngest granddaughter did something to my big boy one day. Not sure what it was, she must have stepped on his paw or something while he was sleeping at my foot. Anyway, he jumps up, snarls, and goes for her face only to lick her face from her chin all the way up to her forehead.;)

David, if you do get the rope knots don't leave it laying around. If she is anything like my dogs, it will be gone in 5 minutes.:) When we play with it with our dogs we make sure we decided when to quit the game, and then we put it up out of their reach. The reason for us quitting the game is to keep them on notice that we are alpha in our house.;)


Advanced Reefer
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Okay One word commands are going good and she is 2 for 3 on the wee wee pad today. She sits on command without treats So yeah I'm getting the hang of this and she just went out for a 45 minute walk. Presidents day she gets Her operation and her last shot before she can go with me on normal city walks. Thanks Guys And here some more shots.
The cat does accept her but it's going to be a little while before cookie can stay still while he is in the same room the cat can't keep up with her energy and gets overwhelmed and leaves but a second later comes over and teases her again. It's weird.


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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one of my cats use to sleep in the cage with my dog, and they was play buddies. but then again the cat weighed 18 lb's and wasnt fat. probably one of the biggest cats i ever saw. it doesnt happen over night with the training, and put the pads next to the door where you would take the dog out, it trains them to go to that door when they have to go. petsmart has these cheweys that are almost indestructable also. of course they will eventually tear them up, but get the one's that are goof for their teeth. i would suggest buying a book on training or a video you would be surprised what it will tell you and the knowledge you will gain from it


smoke reefers
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for teething i used to put a little water in a plastic water bottle and freeze it ... works for babies why not baby pitbulls

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