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Actually we do...

As it is, me being there presents a problem with female customers because I am a man, they ask me questions I can't answer and addition to that I can't help them with trying on stuff in the fitting room.

Let me ask you something; Your wife walks into a lingerie store, wants to try on stuff, you would not mind a man giving her suggestions, making a selection on an adult item or helping her putting on items where touching is involved? I bet you would...

It is common sense when you see a lingerie store that females will be working there and not men. For a man to walk in and fill out an application in a females lingerie store for a sales girl position, then in my opinion he is up to something...

he owns a small store not a big chain so having a million dollar law suit doesn't seem reasonable plus if I went into a lingerie store and I saw men helping the women out I would turn around and walk right out kinda weird having a guy tell me " this is a better bra or these is a nicer set" whatever the case its too arkward plus these girls husbands/bf's wouldnt be all that happy either. i know mine wouldnt lol


Always Overfeeding
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Hooters had the same argument, that they hire male cooks,etc,etc. But the servers needed to be females. They ended up settling out of court for over 3 million (better then the 22 million they were looking at). That argument doesn't work. Don't take my word for it contact your attorney and see what he says about what you have said here. In the laws eyes you could have replaced Male with "Blacks" and its exactly the same discrimination. Just because 95% of your customers are white doesn't mean you can't hire minorities.

Who said 95% of my customers are white???? BTW Hooters and my business are totally different...

I don't care if you are purple, yellow, green, etc, missing two limbs, an eye and three fingers, If you can fulfill the position we need, your hired...
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Always Overfeeding
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he owns a small store not a big chain so having a million dollar law suit doesn't seem reasonable plus if I went into a lingerie store and I saw men helping the women out I would turn around and walk right out kinda weird having a guy tell me " this is a better bra or these is a nicer set" whatever the case its too arkward plus these girls husbands/bf's wouldnt be all that happy either. i know mine wouldnt lol

Thanks xobklynqt143... Now :backtotop
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Advanced Reefer
Throggs Neck, BX
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I know that for me I would be ok but yet uncomfortable with a male salesman assisting my girlfriend with intimate apparel. I would be watching him closely to say the least. With Bikini hiring females I can understand that logic. Hooters hires the girls because they are selling sex. Bikini is hiring girls to provide his female customers a certain level of comfort. Its kinda like being a bar owner. If your smart your womans bathroom better be heated and look nice because if you cant please the ladies when they are using your facilities then you might as well kiss your male clientle goodbye. And to compare a Hooters million dollar law suite or bring the race card into how Bikini and his wife manage their obviously female specific business is like comparing a Amazon Sword plant and a Frogspawn frag.

Bikini, I will trade you a Frogspawn frag for a male thong. Do you have one? J/K... but seriously do you.


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The quickest way to be out of business is to make comments like "My wife and I have businesses that are involved in swim wear, lingerie, and female clothing lines, 95% of our customers are female based, so yes a female employee is required for employment in our place and not a man." Its still discrimination, if a male comes in and aces your test will you still not hire him?

Any lawyers here? Im pretty sure its only discrimination if you can prove that the sex ( or any other characteristic in question ) does not impinge on the job in question. For instance, it is not discrimination to hire only women to work in a women's only gym, if thats what the business is based on.


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It doesnt matter if I feel comfortable or not that doesn't change the law.

Victoria secret hires males because they know if they have a policy of not hiring males they will be out of business.

As a business owner you should know better then to say something like that. Im surprised you still have a business being so open about not hiring males. Its one thing to not hire males, but to openly SAY you dont hire males simply because they are male? You might as well say the same about minorities or disabled people. It is exactly the same and the courts have upheld this time and time again.

If a person has a disability that prevents him/her from fulfilling the job to the same extent as a person without that disability, it is not discrimination. Just an example, when one applies to medical school, there is a section that states certain competencies which are required. Among them are physical attributes like hearing, seeing, etc. Is that discriminatory? No. Why? Because a blind or deaf person cannot adequately fullfill the requirements of practicing medicine. Now if the person is not being hired, despite being perfectly suitable for the job, based only on the disability - that is discrimination.

I can see it now - a 5' 2" 380 lb. woman with a mustache sues Baddabing for discrimination....


Always Overfeeding
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The whole point of this thread is to show that so many young ladys can't even pass a simple test that involves little math. All they think about is being on there cell phones, sidekicks, hanging out with friends, myspace, etc. It is a shame...


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It is sad to say that today's youth can't even pass a simple test like this one and to top it off so many walk in that have not graduated High school and are teenage moms anywhere between the ages of 16 to 20.​

Well as a 26 year old youth, I find your statement very generalizing. Your sample size is restricted to female young women who are looking for a retail job at something close to minimum wage. So you've restricted it to young women who for the most part don't enter math based fields. This is not to say that women can't do math or aren't very good at it, but when I was in college and I looked around my programming and mathematics classes there were a 3 girls and 20 guys. Which was depressing to say the least.

Anyways, you've selected a group of people who will take a low paying job. If they had the education to move onto a better paying one, they would. So basically you've looked at people who aren't very well educated and who already don't have a societal pre-dispensation to do well at math. Then you say that all youth can't even do a simple test. My statistics professor would have been very angry at you.

I found your test very easy, I've got a thing for math and programming and the answers kinda just pop in my head. The only question I found confusing was the one about the incorrect change. And that was only because of wording.

Of all the friends I know that a grew up with, none of them have children at the age of 16 and they could all pass your quiz with ease.

Please give my generation a little credit. Every generation has their share of idiots, but there are a few of us who know how to add.

And no, your business and hooters are similar in all the regards that matter. You are both employers and as such you have a responsibility to be fair in your hiring. Replace "men" with "black" and replace "stockroom" with "pick cotton" That business model didn't last very long.


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Park Ridge, NJ
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Replace "men" with "black" and replace "stockroom" with "pick cotton" That business model didn't last very long.

Actually that business model lasted a VERY long time from 1619 to 1863.
But back to the point about hiring men in female clothing stores, Store like Victoria's secret actually do hire men as sales people but they are usually sequestered off to the fragrences section.


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Well as a 26 year old youth, I find your statement very generalizing. Your sample size is restricted to female young women who are looking for a retail job at something close to minimum wage. So you've restricted it to young women who for the most part don't enter math based fields. This is not to say that women can't do math or aren't very good at it, but when I was in college and I looked around my programming and mathematics classes there were a 3 girls and 20 guys. Which was depressing to say the least.

Anyways, you've selected a group of people who will take a low paying job. If they had the education to move onto a better paying one, they would. So basically you've looked at people who aren't very well educated and who already don't have a societal pre-dispensation to do well at math. Then you say that all youth can't even do a simple test. My statistics professor would have been very angry at you.

I found your test very easy, I've got a thing for math and programming and the answers kinda just pop in my head. The only question I found confusing was the one about the incorrect change. And that was only because of wording.

Of all the friends I know that a grew up with, none of them have children at the age of 16 and they could all pass your quiz with ease.

Please give my generation a little credit. Every generation has their share of idiots, but there are a few of us who know how to add.

And no, your business and hooters are similar in all the regards that matter. You are both employers and as such you have a responsibility to be fair in your hiring. Replace "men" with "black" and replace "stockroom" with "pick cotton" That business model didn't last very long.

You shouldnt have to have a college education, or even a high school education, or want to work in programming to have been able to answer those very simple questions. Now as for your comparison to cotton picking and slaves, well that would have made Al Sharpton proud but I really dont see the connection. If there is a relevance to the criteria, it is not discrimination. Just like having a minimum age for hirees is not age discrimination, hiring only women to give bikini waxes or keeping under a certain girth to work as an airline steward are not discriminatory, neither is this.


OG of this here reef game
Marine Park
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Just to put this to rest once and for all, iirc 25 is the magic number. Under 25 employees there is no such thing as discrimination. It doesn't exist. Under 25 employees you can say "I only hire people with three toes", type of business also plays a role as well. Seriously, have we gotten so PC that we've become morons? Bikini owns a woman's apparel store! Do you seriously think that he doesn't know his demographic and what they prefer? WTF? Something isn't wrong with him there's something wrong with our society if a man can sue victoria's secret or hooters for not getting a job.

Anyhow, dude it sucks. Finding good help is impossible and when you can their sense of entitlement is mind boggling. Maybe asking perspective employees for a sales / cashier position to be customer friendly and good with money is too much.

I hate people. I also suck with money and I'm going to need lots of days off. I also run late a lot. You have 401k and benefits? How many days off do I get to start? I can start tomorrow, or Monday maybe I don't know I have to see if I can get a baby sitter.


Always Overfeeding
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Well as a 26 year old youth, I find your statement very generalizing. Your sample size is restricted to female young women who are looking for a retail job at something close to minimum wage. So you've restricted it to young women who for the most part don't enter math based fields. This is not to say that women can't do math or aren't very good at it, but when I was in college and I looked around my programming and mathematics classes there were a 3 girls and 20 guys. Which was depressing to say the least.

Anyways, you've selected a group of people who will take a low paying job. If they had the education to move onto a better paying one, they would. So basically you've looked at people who aren't very well educated and who already don't have a societal pre-dispensation to do well at math. Then you say that all youth can't even do a simple test. My statistics professor would have been very angry at you.

I found your test very easy, I've got a thing for math and programming and the answers kinda just pop in my head. The only question I found confusing was the one about the incorrect change. And that was only because of wording.

Of all the friends I know that a grew up with, none of them have children at the age of 16 and they could all pass your quiz with ease.

Please give my generation a little credit. Every generation has their share of idiots, but there are a few of us who know how to add.

And no, your business and hooters are similar in all the regards that matter. You are both employers and as such you have a responsibility to be fair in your hiring. Replace "men" with "black" and replace "stockroom" with "pick cotton" That business model didn't last very long.

I've had adults and youths come in and take this quiz and hand it to me in 30 seconds, all correct. What I am saying is that majority of the applicants within the age group I have selected can't pass this quiz.

I would say out of 10 ladys that walk in, 3 pass and 7 failed. Imagine hiring someone who takes $10.00 from someone and is suppose to give them back $5.41 change and hands them back $10.00 or a cashier who short changes you and then tells you to deal with it and go about your business... Would you hire them???

Like I said before; I don't care if you are green, purple, yellow, etc and missing body parts. If you can do simple math, be reliable and be courteous to customers, your hired... But in this situation a female can only fulfill the job decription, especially when working with female customers that have to take off their clothes to try on garments and need possible assistance.
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OG of this here reef game
Marine Park
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when I was in college and I looked around my programming and mathematics classes ...

I found your test very easy, I've got a thing for math and programming and the answers kinda just pop in my head. The only question I found confusing was the one about the incorrect change. And that was only because of wording.

Bro ask your college for some money back and yell at your parents for not sending you to better schools. If you are older than 9 and you had a problem with that test get yourself to some tutoring. Last I checked money was taught in 4th grade. Addition and subtraction start a little earlier. The test doesn't ask anything that's not covered in the 5th graded City Wide Exam in NYC. (Which is Bikini's point, that the MAJORITY of people cannot pass such a simple exam) :)


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You shouldnt have to have a college education, or even a high school education, or want to work in programming to have been able to answer those very simple questions. Now as for your comparison to cotton picking and slaves, well that would have made Al Sharpton proud but I really dont see the connection. If there is a relevance to the criteria, it is not discrimination. Just like having a minimum age for hirees is not age discrimination, hiring only women to give bikini waxes or keeping under a certain girth to work as an airline steward are not discriminatory, neither is this.

Minimum age is because of child labor laws. Please explain the criteria that makes a woman better at selling a bikini than a man beyond a customer's own perceptions? And the weight discriminations on flight attendants has been illegal since the 1980's.



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Bro ask your college for some money back and yell at your parents for not sending you to better schools. If you are older than 9 and you had a problem with that test get yourself to some tutoring. Last I checked money was taught in 4th grade. Addition and subtraction start a little earlier. The test doesn't ask anything that's not covered in the 5th graded City Wide Exam in NYC. (Which is Bikini's point, that the MAJORITY of people cannot pass such a simple exam) :)

Yea in 2nd grade, when you popped the fake dimes from the paper in your workbook, it was sweet. My point was that most people could answer those questions without a problem, because a relatively small minority of us who apply to Bikiki's store and can't answer the question shouldn't classify us as just young people who have kids and talk on cell phones.


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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Minimum age is because of child labor laws. Please explain the criteria that makes a woman better at selling a bikini than a man beyond a customer's own perceptions? And the weight discriminations on flight attendants has been illegal since the 1980's.


Why don't male bathroom attendants work the ladies room? And vice versa?

Actually, If you read the references cited in your link you would see that weight restrictions on flight attendants still exist. In 1991 the weight restrictions were relaxed a bit. But to this day weight restrictions exist simply because you have to be able to squeeze up and down the aisles.

This was the referenced link in your wiki article...


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Why don't male bathroom attendants work the ladies room? And vice versa?

Actually, If you read the references cited in your link you would see that weight restrictions on flight attendants still exist. In 1991 the weight restrictions were relaxed a bit. But to this day weight restrictions exist simply because you have to be able to squeeze up and down the aisles.

This was the referenced link in your wiki article...

Because sex discrimination laws allow for instances where a hostile work environment will be created. There was a case of a transvestite guy who wanted to use the ladies room a few years ago I think. They didn't want him to because they still considered him a guy, so they wanted to send him to his own bathroom like 2 floors away if I remember right. I don't know what the outcome of the trial was though.

And yea not being able to fit down an isle is more of a physical limitation/safety issue than discrimination. Same thing for amusement park ride requirements.

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