that they did.broke many records.13 days...pre-ordered halo3 last week from best buy, the guy there told me that best buy alone sold 2 million copies.
wow your the man.welcome to the get your xbox live account up and running so we can start a manhattanreef clan and whup some serious @$$.12 days....Well i hate you all. Made me spend the cash!!! And I preorderd halo3
good you dont waste anytime ill send you a friends request in a minute.Cmon xbox live was up the first thing
handle is onethirty5
LOL Yeah sure blame these guys they MADE you spend the $$$$. LOL
well the rgular copy will be around but if your trying to get collectors then those should be pre-ordered.when i was trading in my stuff i decided to get legendary edition thats $135, i paid it all off with out spending any $$$ out my pocket, i even ended up with $20 dollars credit so im wating to get the messanger kit. wont see that on any other consoles.FYI!
The place that i bought my system local store, is getting a ton of copies of Halo 3. he told me that there was no reason to preorder. He just took my number and told me he will call when they come in.
good you dont waste anytime ill send you a friends request in a minute.
well the rgular copy will be around but if your trying to get collectors then those should be pre-ordered.when i was trading in my stuff i decided to get legendary edition thats $135, i paid it all off with out spending any $$$ out my pocket, i even ended up with $20 dollars credit so im wating to get the messanger kit. wont see that on any other consoles.
cool np im leaving to florida tuesday so i wont be online for a minute or atleast until i can find a nice cable deal like the optimum triple play here.K! Watching the yankee game now. So i will accept tomorrow!
cool np im leaving to florida tuesday so i wont be online for a minute or atleast until i can find a nice cable deal like the optimum triple play here.
lol. at one time i wanted to go directv but service goes out with the elements and they want to charge $400 and change. just checked out the companies out in florida and i thnik im going to go with comcast, i cant mess with a company thats high speed is not compitable with my xbox.No HD tv so no loss on my part.