Tenents suck! I remember when my mother in law had a bad set of tenents. I would have to drive to Staten Island at all hours of the night to settle disputes. The best is when the called the ASPCA because my mother in law leaves her dog out all day in the winter time. The dog is this huge Russian shepard dog. Thank god the officer recognized the breed and told the tenants the dof needed to be outside in the cold and would write a summons if she found out the dog was being kept indoors.
Gotta love it!!!
I don't think your tenants plan to move out, is there any chance your basement tenant could find temporary quarters for a short period of time. If he could, then you could keep the dog in the apt. bring your other dogs over as well. Give them a new 1 year lease with at the very least double their current rent with only a 5 day grace period. Also make sure the lease states that they are to be responsible for all repairs to their apartment. Have them pay for their own gas, electricity, and if you can find a way their water as well.:biggrin:
I hate tennants like the ones being spoken of here. Reason why I refused to buy a two family house....