wahhhh i couldnt even get a real good look at cherry corals CAUSE SOME MEMBERS HAVE NO MANNERS!
Waaaaahhh, Coop needs to grow a "pair" and elbow his way through :chair1:
(J/K.. I wish I could have been there)
wahhhh i couldnt even get a real good look at cherry corals CAUSE SOME MEMBERS HAVE NO MANNERS!
:tongue1:LOL. instead of WAaaahahaaaahWWaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... why wifey really hates the reeftank....
waaaaaa i missed all the drama. As for the guy brining up the member vendor issue. I got the rock back but guess what? There never was a feather duster on there. And you wonder why i dont want to deal with you anymore.... id rather not have you in my home.... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa