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saltwaternoob to say that a radio show is not hard work your out of your mind.its not like a sitcom where you have 20 writers and 6 months to come up with 12 shows.its an everyday 5 hr on air and 2 hours off air to find topics everyday to talk about something to keep an audience interested.artie does the 7 hrs a day and goes on the road every weekend to do his comedy.it may not be phisical labor but it is a very tough job


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Staten Island NY
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It's funny how Artie bitches about having to get up early and then be on the road doing his stand up. How fast we forget when we worked a real job on the docks. I'm up at 4:00AM EVERY FREAKIN DAY!!!!!!!!! And I have a physical job, digging holes by hand for telephone poles, carrying poles on our shoulders...... I only wish I could trade places with that cry baby....

Don't get me wrong I still love him. LOL:letitallo


\/\/h47 @ n00b !!!
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saltwaternoob to say that a radio show is not hard work your out of your mind.its not like a sitcom where you have 20 writers and 6 months to come up with 12 shows.its an everyday 5 hr on air and 2 hours off air to find topics everyday to talk about something to keep an audience interested.artie does the 7 hrs a day and goes on the road every weekend to do his comedy.it may not be phisical labor but it is a very tough job

First off the show has a ton of writers, second Artie isnt a host his job is to chime in, thats been said by him. He has to come up with 0 material before hand. I didnt say a radio show is easy I said HIS job on the show is.


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a ton of writers who sal and richard.your not a fan of the show if you think all artie does is chime in.if you can name 5 writers ill say im wrong but right now dude you have no idea what your saying.oh i forgot bengi is a writer so thats 3.go ahead and try to write something in these threads to keep us interested for 5 hrs a day if you can do that ill bow down to you.if you can write something that will keep us laughing for 45 min like artie does in stand up i will say you are the man.but i can honestly say i dont think you can


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Staten Island NY
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The sad thing is that with Artie saying he's leaving, that changes the whole dynamic of the show. Remember how when Jackie was there and ALWAYS complaining about his pay and how much he did for the show. Howard's and Robin's and even Fred's whole demeanor towards him changed. There was alot of nasty things said betwen Artie and Howard the other day. I just wish Artie would have talked to Howard off air about this. I'm not sure thing can be repaired betwen all of them. It'll be a real shame to see ARtie really leave. He will be missed sooo much, he adds sooooo much to the show. I just hope everything works out.


\/\/h47 @ n00b !!!
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a ton of writers who sal and richard.your not a fan of the show if you think all artie does is chime in.if you can name 5 writers ill say im wrong but right now dude you have no idea what your saying.oh i forgot bengi is a writer so thats 3.go ahead and try to write something in these threads to keep us interested for 5 hrs a day if you can do that ill bow down to you.if you can write something that will keep us laughing for 45 min like artie does in stand up i will say you are the man.but i can honestly say i dont think you can

EASY, relax there killa. the show has 4 writers youre forgetting Fred, yes he is a writer. 4 writers for 1 radio show is alot. My job isnt to entertain anyone for 5 hours OR 45 mins, i never claimed i could so lets stay on topic....also we are not talking about Arties stand up we are talking about a raido show where he sits and co-hosts NOT writes.

Im not here to argue bud so no need to go on the defensive.....


\/\/h47 @ n00b !!!
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The sad thing is that with Artie saying he's leaving, that changes the whole dynamic of the show. Remember how when Jackie was there and ALWAYS complaining about his pay and how much he did for the show. Howard's and Robin's and even Fred's whole demeanor towards him changed. There was alot of nasty things said betwen Artie and Howard the other day. I just wish Artie would have talked to Howard off air about this. I'm not sure thing can be repaired betwen all of them. It'll be a real shame to see ARtie really leave. He will be missed sooo much, he adds sooooo much to the show. I just hope everything works out.

I agree the show will be different without him....


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Staten Island NY
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You know what? I'm sure most blue collar guys/gals can really relate to Artie, and how he worked his way to where he is today. He's like the everyman I think. I can really relate to him. BUT... To listen to him complain about getting up early and not being able to go see a Yankee game or see the whole super bowl. GIVE ME A F*^&%(*G BREAK. We all go through the same $h*t with not being able to do things sometimes. I'm up at 4AM every freakin morning and in bed by 8PM every work night. OH well that's what I gotta do. I wish I could take a break from life and go hiking in Italy cuz I need to find myself.


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dude im not even going to debate this issue because u have no idea what your talking about.4 writers does not make up a ton of writers like you said.and you claimed artie has an easy job so i asked you to entertain us since its so easy.anyway artie will be missed its going to be very hard to fill that jackie chair cause he was a master at his craft


\/\/h47 @ n00b !!!
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dude im not even going to debate this issue because u have no idea what your talking about.4 writers does not make up a ton of writers like you said.and you claimed artie has an easy job so i asked you to entertain us since its so easy.anyway artie will be missed its going to be very hard to fill that jackie chair cause he was a master at his craft

Probably better that you dont as this affects us very little, 4 writers is alot for a radio show and I never said his job was easy....... I agree with your last sentence


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Staten Island NY
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Duke you said Jackie chair. Would you want Jackie back? Think he could come back after everything that went on involving him? Don't forget one of the last times he was on Fred went off on him about leaving.


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Staten Island NY
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I wish Artie never made that dumb statement. One that can NEVER be taken back. Even if he decides to stay it's only gonna be a mmater of time before something pisses him off or something that he's so sensitive to that he'll be saying he's leaving again. And also everyone on the show is gonna have to walk on egg sheels around him hoping not to upset him.


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Staten Island NY
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artie lang has definatly began to use again.he is taking those pills again there is something there that they are not telling us.just give him time im sure it will come out again. waaaaaah im on heroin again
HEHE he's been falling asleep on the show aLOT again. And he even admitted to taking 4 of those Subutex pills the other day. In fact the day him and Howard got into that fight Howard brought that up to him about taking those pills. And Robin and Gary were even breaking his balls about planning a rehab stint 6 months in advance.

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