Generalizing Graffiti with crime has not been proven. I have done graffiti in the past. I have done murals for stores and did a mural for 911. I had friends that did graffiti too. Most of them work constraction now and they dont associate with graffiti at all now and i have a partner in crime (Graffiti crime i mean) that is an CEO of his one company. it all depends some grow out of it and some stay with. You really dont see a 30 something old person tagging. Its a phase that most people go through. And Tony i think you are going extreme with your statements and i think you watched too much tv. Let me guess you probably saw "the Warriors" and think that. It does happen but thats in the extreme levels. And i really dont see how crime is associated with graffiti. Have you ever thought about this..... Most of the times you will see lots of graffiti in poor neighborhoods. Right? And in rich neighborhoods you will most likely not see it or very little. Right? Did you very bother to consider the fact that in rich neighborhoods if you tag most likely it will be gone the next day and in poor neighborhoods it stays on for months. Why? Neighborhood doesnt have money do deal with a cleanup crew.