Its a life style. Usually just a phase that grafitti artist grow out of. Your trying to make a point out of the extreme. If thats the case you can apply that to everything in life. Most of the people that I knew when I was doing grafitti graduated HS and went on to college. There were a few nuckle heads that took the life style to an extreme and did end up in bad situations. But that does not mean that everyone, or most, involved in grafitti end up doing other crimes. Yeah, being part of a crew is part of the life style. Do problems develop? Yeah. But how often do they occurr? If they were so common place you would have an outbreak of fights and gang activity involving grafitti artist all over the front pages of the newspapers.
I understand where you are coming from. But please dont generalize what you are saying. I lived it and know first hand what it is like, the in's and out's, the good and the bad.
As far as your friend goes, if he wasnt doing anything illegal with his friend he could have hired a good attorney and gotten out of that situation. But if he too was participating then based on what you said your friend put himself in that position. It wasnt the grafitti that did it.
Fuse difused:Blurp: lol