gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Mainland Aquatics
Rating - 100%
82   0   0
Whoa ... that's highly classified information.

However I will trade the information to cut you in line for the 450G tank ... either that or I break your computer. :sgrin: Choose wisely.

DCG has spoken. :Hydrogen:

How bout I split the tank with u? Ill take it for a week and then u can take it for a joint leave my computer didn't do anything to u! Lol


north jersey
Rating - 100%
390   0   0
hmmmm....i hear another sword fight between motor and trigger coming up again....kinda like wwf...or wwc....or what ever it is now....i haven't been following up with the wrestling anymore. about a cage sword fight....full contact.....hahaha...i'm such an instigator....:sgrin:


north jersey
Rating - 100%
390   0   0
Hey Tom,
With nearly 1,400 posts in 2 months ... I think you will know where to find him!

dave....i thought that was you in the pic for a the reason i know it wasn't 'cause it would have been the playstation not the


Mainland Aquatics
Rating - 100%
82   0   0
your selling that 2 in tang? how much.. got pics? i have a school of tangs in my 55g.. 8 to be exact.. so 1 more wont hurt.. better yet.. your tank it too full and since you dont have a qt tank just give it to me.. ill give it back when it gets bigger or when i get bored...


Advanced Reefer
Rating - 97.5%
235   6   0
I am so sick of people asking me 3-6 questions about an item/fish, then asking "where are you located", b/c they are not smart enough to read my "location" status in my avatar. The after I give them my address, usually more than once, they ask "do you ever come to queens?", when the thread clearly states "pick up only"

Seriously? Why not ask that deal breaker type of question first? Why waste my time with all the dumb questions you are going to ask me if you dont even want to pick up the item that is marked "PICK UP ONLY, I WILL NOT DELIVER!!!!!"
Last edited by a moderator:


Advanced Reefer
Rating - 100%
32   0   0
I am so sick of people asking me 3-6 questions about an item/fish, then asking "where are you located", b/c they are not smart enough to read my "location" status in my avatar. The after I give them my address, usually more than once, they ask "do you ever come to queens?", when the thread clearly states "pick up only"

Seriously? WTF? Why not ask that deal breaker type of question first? Why waste my time with all the dumb questions you are going to ask me if you dont even want to pick up the item that is marked "PICK UP ONLY, I WILL NOT DELIVER!!!!!"

Do you deliver to NJ as well as Queens?

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