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staten island
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anyone union members interested are more than welcome to come. Me and brothers and sisters from (operating engineers local94) have been rallying for the past two weeks we are not asking for the world just fair health benefits.the large commercial property owners already take a large percentage of my salary new york city was built by union labor this is start and it will trickle down to all trade unions it is being watched closely by all major unions we had 3,000 members at columbus circle on friday jan 10th. is the deadline then we walk (we respected the mayor and did not walk on jan 1st.
note to mods:if this breaks any board rules sorry and close out
thank you ,mike
http://www.local94.com/uploads/Local 94 Health Care Rally Flyer - Jan 9 2007.pdf


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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I'm going to print out the flyer and give it to all the IOUE 14&15 members on the job.

Hope all is resolved and you guys don't have to walk.

Labor omnia vincit,


Advanced Reefer
staten island
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at this point roughly 4$ per hour of my salary goes to health benefits. that is every hour i work overtime and straight time plus everytime time i go to the doctor or any one in my family goes $30.00 copay emrg. room $100. i could go on and on. i would love to hear on this thread what people pay for healthcare.


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gl and wich you the best.I know what your saying-I have seen my benefits (local 3) slowly erode for the past 19 + years,.I will mention it to the guys at work.


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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We pay close $10.00 an hour. It's about $22,000 a year, and they just doubled our copay to $20.00 emergency$50 specialist $25
Our perscriptions went from generic $0 to $10 and name brand $6 to $20. Also if you're on a daily medicine like lipitor you have to get it through the mail now.

I often wonder if I would fair better buying my own insurance but unfortunately I never even see that $10/hr.


Sporty, Two of my uncles and my two brothers are local 3.


Advanced Reefer
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Here is a base line for benefits. I work for myself so I pay my own benefits. $586/month for Oxford. No dental, no vision. Doctor visit co-pay is $20 and prescriptions are $5.

I am not sure what other things are included in your benefit package, but I pay all social security including the employers portion and any other social programs that are automatically deducted myself.


Audi Sport
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Here is a base line for benefits. I work for myself so I pay my own benefits. $586/month for Oxford. No dental, no vision. Doctor visit co-pay is $20 and prescriptions are $5.

I am not sure what other things are included in your benefit package, but I pay all social security including the employers portion and any other social programs that are automatically deducted myself.

I guess you have single coverage. Also the employer's part of your FICA and you health insurance is 100% deductible on your tax return.


Audi Sport
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anyone union members interested are more than welcome to come. Me and brothers and sisters from (operating engineers local94) have been rallying for the past two weeks we are not asking for the world just fair health benefits.the large commercial property owners already take a large percentage of my salary new york city was built by union labor this is start and it will trickle down to all trade unions it is being watched closely by all major unions we had 3,000 members at columbus circle on friday jan 10th. is the deadline then we walk (we respected the mayor and did not walk on jan 1st.
note to mods:if this breaks any board rules sorry and close out
thank you ,mike
http://www.local94.com/uploads/Local 94 Health Care Rally Flyer - Jan 9 2007.pdf

MY father belongs to local 94. It's a shame what you guys are going thru.


Active Reefer
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at this point roughly 4$ per hour of my salary goes to health benefits. that is every hour i work overtime and straight time plus everytime time i go to the doctor or any one in my family goes $30.00 copay emrg. room $100. i could go on and on. i would love to hear on this thread what people pay for healthcare.

I pay $58/week for Med, $6/week dental, $6/week S.T.D. That is a week, X it by 4 for monthly, $30 office visit, $50 specialist, $125 Emerg. room, plus the first $400 is my responsibility, as well as 20% after that. Prescriptions are similar to yours. Insurance is going up and the companies can't cover all of it. I am with you in wanting better bennies, but I only see more increases in the future.
Good luck,


Advanced Reefer
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i see nothing good for hard working families in the future.as long as we can keep our unions strong we as a middle class family will be strong. we need to keep these right winged republicans out off office and out of our pockets.i believe as long as these hungry illegal aliens are allowed in the states companies are going to feed on them and disable us
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I am a member of Nase.org and Mega Life and Health Insurance offered me a plan at $285 monthly including dental coverage. Somehow, the monthly bill has dropped even lower than $285 to ~200.00

Generic $10 copay upto 30 days supply each time

The plan is good for self employed only.


One to Ignore
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we need to keep these right winged republicans out off office and out of our pockets.i believe as long as these hungry illegal aliens are allowed in the states companies are going to feed on them and disable us

Actually, it is the far right wing republicans who have made the most noise about illegal immigration and are the most likely to cut yours, mine and everybodys elses taxes.


Advanced Reefer
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yeah so instead of bringing illigal aliens lets give them a work card so they can collect tax revenue from them and take real american peoples jobs away from them.what taxes are they going to cut from me if i have no income.smartin up i go to all my union meetings 98% of all politicians on working class people side are democrates.im a 3rd generation union man.and pround my family built this great city.all they talk about is the jobs they were on and their expieriences,do you think some illegal alien or some one with a working card is going to have the same passion on building this city as my union brothers and sisters will im very passionate on this subject excuse me if i sound a little nasty


One to Ignore
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yeah so instead of bringing illigal aliens lets give them a work card so they can collect tax revenue from them and take real american peoples jobs away from them.

Who suggested this?... ?

what taxes are they going to cut from me if i have no income.

In the initial statement I respondend to you complained that the republicans where reaching into your pocket vis a vis the tax code. If anything it is the Democratic party that would reach deep into your pocket to pay for social services for the same illegal immigrants that you rail against.

smartin up i go to all my union meetings 98% of all politicians on working class people side are democrates..

Good. Political involvment is the cornerstone of a democracy and you should be commended for it. Just keep an open mind and question what your being told. If a politician or anybody for that matter, seems to be telling you exactly what you want to hear you should be suspicious.

im a 3rd generation union man.and pround my family built this great city.all they talk about is the jobs they were on and their expieriences do you think some illegal alien or some one with a working card is going to have the same passion on building this city as my union brothers and sisters will im very passionate on this subject excuse me if i sound a little nasty

You should be passionate about the subject and I am not offended by your tone, but don't allow your passions to prevent you from critical analysis of the situation.

For the record, and I could be wrong, but I am not aware of single democratic politician that would not give every single illegal alien a working card. Your position on this matter is held by neither the democrats or the republicans, but rather the conservative party.


Advanced Reefer
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hey mes i am no political genius.what i know about comes through my union delagates my union magazines and my union broyhers.the only politics i want to learn are the politics that effect my family and i .and i am sure my union delagates will not lead me wrong in that situation.and the last presidential address on tv mr bushs top agenda was to give mexican workers a working card to come here and do jobs "americans do not want to do" which entails low paying and manual labor jobs.and the last time i looked in the mirror i was an american citizen .so just because i did not go to college and i wanted to follow in footsteps of granddad and dad ,does not mean i have to to worried in future because some politician gave my livelyhood away.open to rebutle mes been a long time since i was in a debate
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