The west is better, and has been for a long time! The only team in the east that can hang with this LA Team or Chicago is Boston (but they play poorly against Montreal, for some reason).
Someone saying how the west isn't better is a prime example of how biased the Ranger fans are (and all fans in general).
Rookie- you have a very impressive hockey resume so I can respect your opinion but will have to disagree. Here is why, The Rangers have proven they can play with the Kings. Two overtime games and oddly I feel they were not out played in game 3. I think out shooting the Kings 2-1 in game 3 is an indication of that. I do think for the Rangers to beat the Kings it comes down Lundqvst vs Quick. Quick has made the stops at the right time and was a wall in game 3. It is unfortunate that the Rangers are down 3-0 because I don't think it is indicative of the even play in the series. Outside of the 3rd period in game 1 these teams are playing very close. I know this, 28 teams wish they were the Rangers right now.
Thanks keeping hockey on the chat