Matt, i'm not gonna lose sleep over your opinion. Maybe couldn't care less was a bad choice of words. I cared enough to bust your balls a little =) But thats about as far as it goes. Well aside from this but its just showing people what the actual problems in the game are and why it matters.
No my cities crash, as in they just stop working properly and fail due to one bug that slowly drives people out of the city, fires burning all over even though there are enough fire trucks to support the city, that kinda stuff. BTW that reminds me of another bug. All your fire trucks will respond to the same fire even if though there might be 10 fires going on in your city. Police cars and garbage trucks do the same. There are bugs where you get cities that have more fires than normal and this can be an issue, more disasters than usual, no disasters at all. Its all really random.
And regional play is instant as far as city hall upgrades go but there is a major lag, like 3-4 hours, when it comes to regional workers, shoppers, RCI demand, ect. So, if your city needs extra shoppers or visitors from your neighboring city in the region your not gonna see it for a few hours and by that time you might not need it. In that regard every city in your region is pretty much single player and each city needs to support itself for everything it needs.
Right now, the traffic system is shortest route so cars will take any road, small 1 lane dirt road or a 4 lane avenue, as long as its the quickest point A to point B. Very basic concept that doesn't work. Upgrading roads does nothing for traffic since they all share the same car speed, congestion, ect. You get the same traffic on a dirt road as you do a high density road. The only benefit you can provide would be upgrading a road to an avenue which can and will majorly impact your city when it comes to population, built homes, road spacing, building sizes, ect. And avenues, due to the weird way that the game deals with cars making turns, changing lanes, and stop lights/stop signs might actually make the traffic problem compounded since they do have their own set of bugs and issues. If you haven't seen any of that then congrats because your part of the 10% that didn't get that bug in your city. And your probably dealing with a city that has under 250k residents.
So, are you randomly changing out sections of your roads to avenues to help with traffic? Or are you just building everything out to support avenues in your city? Maybe you should really pay attention to those roads and the traffic when you upgrade from low density to high density because all it affects is the building sizes. Well... it also changes the stop signs, redlights, ect which is why you might see a decrease in traffic but thats only temporary until you add 100k more people to your city. Theres a good youtube of that that shows other flaws with that.
If this game was really as complex as you said it was they would have a weighted system for roads like there should have been. Where road types determine the flow of traffic. I don't want a city full of avenues but thats what the game forces you to do.
The game was developed with a lower age group in mind and the casual gamer. Its really a dumbed down version of previous simcity games with nice graphics. So, when you say this game is really complex and amazing, it makes me wonder about you Matt, thus the joke about feeling sorry for you. =)
I can't find the list of bugs I seen but its on the simcity forums full of youtube video's and screenshots.