I am an attorney by training (I know ... BOO, HISSS) but I recently changed jobs and careers. I left the world of law behind and started over in management consulting. I now work for a consulting company that specializes in the field of healthcare. Specifically, we provide opportunity assessments and other consulting to healthcare manufacturing companies (big pharma, biotech, medical devices, etc.).
I started the new job in early February (after an exhaustive 10-month search) and I can say that this is the best professional decision I have made in my entire life. I absolutely love my new job, the company and my co-workers.
Have you ever heard someone say (or said yourself), "I wish I could go back ten years and start over, knowing what I know now"? Well, I got to do that. Let me tell you ... it is awesome!
- menschems
p.s. If there are any doctors here who would like to be on our panel of "experts" for interviews, just let me know.