Reefer420 said:
so if i'm looking for a place in the upper east side- what should i be looking for in a trainer? Suggestions?
I went around and asked the same question prior to going to Serra...
I was given lots of ideas and things to look for before saying yes...
One of the biggest things I found to be helpful was... Arrive earlier then then the class starts... like 15-20 minutes. Be one of the first in the door. Observe how the stdents all get along and how the students get along with the instructor. If people are less then friendly with one another or with the instructor or the instructor isn't very personable / friendly.. you probably wont be there long. Feeling comfortable and in a "friendly" enviornment is key.
I also searched on the instructors. I spent a ton of time on the web looking up all the instructors at Serra. I wanted to be sure I am going someplace where the instrctors"practice what they preach"... and that they do well. I found Serra and they are all very good and doing welling in Sport and MMA competition.
Of course look around and see if the place is clean. Make sure their hours fit your needs. Try and avoid a "contract" (most have them, can't usually get around it, and its one year). If you are required to take a contract... see if you can suspend the contract if you need to travel, get injured etc... and continue later without any lost time.
See if they provide you with a Gi, is it additional... or do you need to go out and get it elsewhere. What type are you required to wear. If its your choice, I suggest a Single Weave(double weave will be like a suana)... and make sure the one you do get doesnt have a seam going down the back, or across the upper / lower bacl (you will end up black and blue from the seam). Here is a website with Gi reviews: . Make sure the school doesn't require a specific brand or color before you waste the hundred plus dollars.
Get yourself a decent mouthpiece. and prepare it before you go. If you take JJ or BJJ you will be rolling on day one. Get headgear of you are worried about your ears and if the scoll does striking.
I know there was more... but that should get you started.
Good luck!
ps. West side wont cut it??? I would look at Renzo's place down near 30th and 7th area...