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Mainland Aquatics
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next the tang police will be sueing all of us for having too many tangs or A tang in our home aquaria.. its basically thesame thing just smaller scale..

but honestly do you think any of these animals if let back into the wild could survive on their own now? they have leared that we are their sourse of food and make a special bond with their trainers.. they would starve to death in the wild or wind up going up to a boat bc they see humans and get killed.. i do agree that they should be in the propper encolsure but sometimes rescues and /or some do very well in captivity.. again some dont, look at the killer whale incident last year...


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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This is a lot different than having a fishtank.
This is treating a caged animal like an attraction and making them amuse people who pay. Like a circus elephant on display.
You have to agree that currently society lives in ignorance of its effect on wildlife. There are way too many political choices that go in favor of greed than preservation.
If this is nothing more than an attention grab from an environmental advocate then I think it is an effective way of communication. And I dont see anything wrong with that.
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peta just wants to create controversy so they will be recognized and they pull these dumb stunts once a year so no one will consider them a joke which they are

May be there is good intentions in the case but a lot of times, people pull stunts for business not just attention or praises. Donations around the world is a quite handsome business without people noticing-remember how expensive that speed boat was that crashed with the Japanese vessel? It was a multi millions dollar donation from just one single donor. There are many donors.
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PADI Dive Inst
New York
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May be there is good intentions in the case but a lot of times, people pull stunts for business not just attention or praises. Donations around the world is a quite handsome business without people noticing-remember how expensive that speed boat was that crashed with the Japanese vessel? It was a multi millions dollar donation from just one single donor. There are many donors.

That crash saved countless whales. I hope that there will still be whales in the future. Without advocacy groups doing all these stunts that fate is pretty much certain there wont be. When my kids have kids they wont have anything.
For what? Some archaic Japanese tradition?
Japan has diverted millions of rebuilding dollars to invest in their whaling fleet after their catastrophic tidal wave. Instead of looking forward, they have resumed their old ways.
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Advanced Reefer
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well i disagree 100%.sea world puts hundreds to wrk,spends a fortune on protecting many many aquatic species and sure you can have one donor thats great but most of the contributions come from people who dont even know there contributing which is really what they rely on for donations.if it takes 5 whales to do so then i believe it is well worth it to save thousands.you are looking at it one sided.they are not killing the whales and if it wasnt for the killer whale show they wuldnt have as many people coming to the park they would rather see a fictional mouse.those whales are treated like kings in that park.PETA is just another group who thinks they can bully people around.if there was no PETA we would have the same bills in place that we do right now they have done nothing but use themselves as another form of terrorism.i know i will get heat for using that term but if you look at there past it is another form of it causing terror for people to get what they believe is right by using scare tactics


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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I agree with a lot of what you are saying.
Mostly what they are doing is totally environmental terrorism. But I fully support that when it comes to stopping a whale hunt, or a dolphin slaughter or a seal clubbing.
When I was in Tahiti I freedived with a huge blue whale and her calf for about 10 minutes. That is how PETA wants whales to be appreciated, in their natural environment. I know not many people will have that opportunity so we have Seaworld whose intentions are good.

I do disagree about their success, without PETA people would still think wearing fur is acceptable. PETA regularly brings the plight of animals to the public so they can judge what is appropriate. The results they try to achieve are measured in years by generating a consensus.

I also agree that they wont get anywhere with this. But I support them for their efforts. I dont think anyone is scared of PETA unless they are piloting a whaling ship. Organizations are more afraid of their cruelty to animals getting covered in the news.
Seaworld doesnt have much to be scared about.
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Advanced Reefer
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PETA reguarly fights with the NRA to ban hunting in every state.they organize people to go into the woods with pots and pans and start banging away on opening day which is illegal and got many thrown into jail which costs tax payers money.they forced NJ to court over a bear hunt which was needed to control the bear population because hundreds of people including children were being threatened by bears and were living in fear.it got so bad that NJ decided to trap the bears send them to upstate ny so hunters can hunt them which cost nj millions to do.i also dont think they did any harm in stopping the fur industry people are still buying them its a billion dollar a year industry.they did however change some of the ways they killed the animal.again they know they are going to loss this battle with seaworld they are just doing it for publicity and cost yet again more tax payers money


Advanced Reefer
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There is delicate balance of opposing forces here. PETA's crusades bring awareness but if they go too far, such as suing Seaworld, they need to know where the line is. PETA needs to choose their battles more wisely. They are bringing a battle to what is essentially an ally in their fight against animal abuse in the world. Seaworld contributes a ridiculous amount of money to ocean preservation every year. They need to see the captive animals there as battlers of the same ideals. Shamu is essentially making money commercially to help his own family of whales and Orca and fellow sea creatures.


Advanced Reefer
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The argument of free choice taken away from these animals is noted but lets say if you hypothetically put these animals at the same comprehension as humans. I bet there would be a few of them that would voluntarily live and work at Seaworld to help benefit their ocean environment. Unfortunately these animals cannot think for themselves f so for their own good, we have to make certain decisions for them.


Advanced Reefer
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There is delicate balance of opposing forces here. PETA's crusades bring awareness but if they go too far, such as suing Seaworld, they need to know where the line is. PETA needs to choose their battles more wisely. They are bringing a battle to what is essentially an ally in their fight against animal abuse in the world. Seaworld contributes a ridiculous amount of money to ocean preservation every year. They need to see the captive animals there as battlers of the same ideals. Shamu is essentially making money commercially to help his own family of whales and Orca and fellow sea creatures.

well said
Rating - 99.1%
225   2   0
I disagree, the crash have not saved any whales because we all know about it long before then and the bills for protecting the whales are already in place 30 years ago. How to execute them is not subject of civilians. My interpretation of a smaller vessel not yielding to larger and less maneuverable vessel in public water is not only illegal in international maritime laws but kind of an act of piracy.

The only thing that I think PETA did right is the movie "The Cove", others are stunts for no real meaning but money grabbing. Even the animal shelters maintained by PETA in Virginia seems to be the highest "kills" center in US.

In fact, I would like to see a crash of Sea Shepherd speed boat with the EU armada of fishing boat that sacks 400 years worth of fish, including banned Tuna, in a 3 month trip leaving the islanders to starve. Cruelty to human kind should be of a higher agenda, I think.

That crash saved countless whales. I hope that there will still be whales in the future. Without advocacy groups doing all these stunts that fate is pretty much certain there wont be. When my kids have kids they wont have anything.
For what? Some archaic Japanese tradition?
Japan has diverted millions of rebuilding dollars to invest in their whaling fleet after their catastrophic tidal wave. Instead of looking forward, they have resumed their old ways.
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Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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funny how people choose to decide what animals are sacred and not, and id bet everyone at peta has a pair of leather shoes. and i dont want to hear cows are raised for food ect, so are rabbits and some others, how about peta go after the peruvians who eat guinne pigs, countries that eat dogs and now horse meat here, and for anyone who owns a saltwater tank and has fish in it how is it different, you have it more for personal viewing and to show friends and family, sea world also educates and so forth
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