Those setups look so nasty.
So heres a question. I've found a decent deal on speakers at a PC Richards and am waiting to see what they can do on a receiver I found researching around on Amazon. The receiver is a network with wireless ( well with a dongle ). The choices in my range for wireless networks ( under $500 ) are not so much but if I'm willing to forgo the wireless I have a few options. The thing is I'd like to stream music from the internet ( i.e. Pandora as well as from my PC library which is why I want DLNA compliant ). I dont want to have to have the TV ( which has wireless ) on in order to listen to music. If I get a Blu-ra with built in wifi and DLNA compliant, can I use that to stream music through my receiver?
So heres a question. I've found a decent deal on speakers at a PC Richards and am waiting to see what they can do on a receiver I found researching around on Amazon. The receiver is a network with wireless ( well with a dongle ). The choices in my range for wireless networks ( under $500 ) are not so much but if I'm willing to forgo the wireless I have a few options. The thing is I'd like to stream music from the internet ( i.e. Pandora as well as from my PC library which is why I want DLNA compliant ). I dont want to have to have the TV ( which has wireless ) on in order to listen to music. If I get a Blu-ra with built in wifi and DLNA compliant, can I use that to stream music through my receiver?