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I finally fulfilled a long standing item on my bucket list - getting OW certified. I liked the dive shop I used but its in Rocky Point and I now live in central nassau. So between that and my limited free time these days I can't continue with them. I'm looking to get a few local dives under my wetsuit before the local season ends and was wondering if anyone here ( i know there are a few divers besides Paul) could recommend a good dive shop/club.

I would like something in Nassau and preferably a shop that does not pressure you to spend piles of cash everytime you walk in the door. I am on a limited budget and while I prefer supporting a good local shop, I find it hard justifying spending twice as much as what I can buy something for used or online, especially when the customer service tends to be pretty bad at most shops I've checked ( why is that an online retialer, even one with a B&M base can offer a return policy but a local shop wont offer even a try before you buy option in their own pool ?) Anyway I digresss. So please share your recommendations.


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im certified, and not just nuts. but i did it in honduras. reach out to ming here on the site he did the classwork up here and then i think he went elsewhere to do the actual diving. you can now do the classwork online and do the dives elsewhere. makes a vacation a nice thing rather then sitting in a classroom. FYI


55 gal salt water
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Im also a diver bern doing it for a few years now. Me and my dive buddy spend alot of time at Stingrays which is in Brooklyn ( I know kinda out of the way) they are really friendly and helpful and one of the few places that back up what they sell and rather you do thinking and research before you spend money anywhere. I do local dives also so anytime let me know

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I did the classroom online and then the pool and open water one on one so we could do it on my really difficult schedule ( did it at end of med school and right as i was starting residency so flexibility was very important ). It cost me a little more but definately worth it. If you want to drive out to Rocky Point, shoot me a PM and I'll give you the name since I dont know if its ok to post it publicly.


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Where in Brooklyn is Stingrays? I have a few days off coming up and was hoping to get a couple of dives in there before I forget everything I just learned. I dont mind going to Brooklyn for it. What I do mind is being made to feel as though I have drop loads of cash at the shop to buy overpriced new equipment. Unfortunately many dive shops have the mindset that they are a charity and you have to spend your money there. They dont understand that in today's economy, diving, much like this little hobby, is a luxury and if you can't compete with the market, stop whining and go into another business. I will gladly come to you and pay for services I need, like air, rental gear, dives, classes, etc but I do NOT owe you my hard earned pay check. There is no reason why I can buy equipment online at a large discount, try it out and if I dont like it, I can just return it no questions asked for a refund ( I've seen more than one online retailer with a B&M base that does this so no excuses ) but my local shop who NEEDS my LOCAL business wont offer this. I understand you might not be able to offer it if its used in SW but at the minimum allow the equipment to be tested in the pool. For that opportunity and the service that should come with a good B&M store, I will gladly pay more, but not outrageously more. I've seen shops that will sell their own used rental gear, as well as allow you to sell them you're own gear which they resell. This is a wonderful business model that allows you to stay competitive with craigslist and online retailers while still making money and selling new equipment to those who prefer to spend the money and buy new. Unfortuantely I haven't yet found a shop within convinient distance that does that. I will post if I do.

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