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Thank You very much JCP&L leaving a few of us with out power for more then 20 hours!!! Its not like it was Katrina and houses floated away.. We have had worst storms then that and the power was new out that long.. Now Im stuck cause my dustin deepweek is now dead (yes the mother colony was in Fl and died when ORA lot power the last storm down there, and its a very slow grower). I also lost my 20000K lokani and my 30000k lokani all do to not having power for more then 20 hours. I had a air pump all ready for the power going out and all my fish are fine but it didnt work for some of the corols. And when I started to see the skin just peel right off of them in the dark tank I started looking for a genarator which I got from my cousin about 7 hours into the power outage. I am so upset that I dont even know where to start.
Sorry I just needed to let it out cause Im upset and I think my wife is sick of hearing it already.....


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Northern Jersey
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My friend also has the same electric down the road from me...he lost everything already. All fish and coral are dead. I was able to take 3 and save, but they are barely hanging on showing 80% skeleton. But his tank is done for sadly. He still has no power and they told him not for another 2 days or so.

It's not really JCP&L fault though, isn't the company 3-4 feet under water? I saw Facebook photos showing the company half gone. There is not much they can do but keep pumping...


Advanced Reefer
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im sorry for all your loses.if i had tat much money invested in my setup i would have bought a generator along time ago.i had a feeling i was going to be out of power for awhile so i went and bought myself a geni..been without power going on day 3


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Thanks... My gen is on its way that will never happen to me again....

im sorry for all your loses.if i had tat much money invested in my setup i would have bought a generator along time ago.i had a feeling i was going to be out of power for awhile so i went and bought myself a geni..been without power going on day 3


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I dont know if the company is under water they are from ohio I think. There south or central jersey branch might be but the power dont come from there... It is there fault they new the storm was coming they had crews on stand by. But durning the year they lay people off that would have mantained these line and cut the tree limbs they saw fit so they wouldnt come down on the lines... So I put the blame on them... Like I said before it wasnt katrina where the houses were under water or floating away it was just a storm with heavy winds like we have had in the passed.. Believe me I know cause I have worked most of them. This is the first one I was home for...
Sorry for your loss.. If I could help you or your friend in any way let me know.

My friend also has the same electric down the road from me...he lost everything already. All fish and coral are dead. I was able to take 3 and save, but they are barely hanging on showing 80% skeleton. But his tank is done for sadly. He still has no power and they told him not for another 2 days or so.

It's not really JCP&L fault though, isn't the company 3-4 feet under water? I saw Facebook photos showing the company half gone. There is not much they can do but keep pumping...


Advanced Reefer
New Jersey
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Thank You very much JCP&L leaving a few of us with out power for more then 20 hours!!! Its not like it was Katrina and houses floated away.. We have had worst storms then that and the power was new out that long.. Now Im stuck cause my dustin deepweek is now dead (yes the mother colony was in Fl and died when ORA lot power the last storm down there, and its a very slow grower). I also lost my 20000K lokani and my 30000k lokani all do to not having power for more then 20 hours. I had a air pump all ready for the power going out and all my fish are fine but it didnt work for some of the corols. And when I started to see the skin just peel right off of them in the dark tank I started looking for a genarator which I got from my cousin about 7 hours into the power outage. I am so upset that I dont even know where to start.
Sorry I just needed to let it out cause Im upset and I think my wife is sick of hearing it already.....

Oh im so sorry to hear all this =( But are you still going to be reefing after you get back your power?


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Oh im so sorry to hear all this =( But are you still going to be reefing after you get back your power?
Thanks. Oh yea it didnt get me that bad for me to throw in the towel.. and this will never happen again cause I have a new 7000watt gen coming to my house by Friday...


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I hear ya, we should should put together some sort of donation pool to help out those who had tanks blow out on them during the storm.

yea thats not a bad idea as long as no one would screw it up and lie and say they had $1000 worth of coral die and it was only 2 frags that cost $ 70 together...


Mt Sinai, NY
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East coast got hit with a Hurricane..did anyone not know it was coming? So far 38 people died and some lost homes..

Did anyone really expect their power to not go out with a hurricane? We were supposed to get hit worse than we did..

We all invest a lot of money in reef tanks, myself included. If u have coral or livestock that you can't afford to lose, then you can't afford to not have a generator.

Generators are always available..well, except right before the storm hits...

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk


Advanced Reefer
long island ny
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east coast got hit with a hurricane..did anyone not know it was coming? So far 38 people died and some lost homes..

Did anyone really expect their power to not go out with a hurricane? We were supposed to get hit worse than we did..

We all invest a lot of money in reef tanks, myself included. If u have coral or livestock that you can't afford to lose, then you can't afford to not have a generator.

Generators are always available..well, except right before the storm hits...

Sent from my adr6300 using tapatalk


Advanced Reefer
Randolph, NJ
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sorry to say this...i lost over 3k of coral, my tank crashed and still do not have power.....this was a very good leason....jcp&l is garbage i pick pse&g anyday if i could..oh btw 5th day without power


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Some people have lost everything!!! Maybe those who can't see past themselves should take a ride in a helicopter to see how bad things really are!! I don't think you would be complaining about a couple of dead corals if your house was full of water and lost everything you had worked for your whole life!!!!! And to say the power company is not working fast enough for you is rediculous!


Advanced Reefer
long island ny
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1+++++++++++++++++++ people think about it allway can b worst
Some people have lost everything!!! Maybe those who can't see past themselves should take a ride in a helicopter to see how bad things really are!! I don't think you would be complaining about a couple of dead corals if your house was full of water and lost everything you had worked for your whole life!!!!! And to say the power company is not working fast enough for you is rediculous!

Sent from my DROIDX using Reefs

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