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United States
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It is there fault they new the storm was coming they had crews on stand by. But durning the year they lay people off that would have mantained these line and cut the tree limbs they saw fit so they wouldnt come down on the lines... So I put the blame on them... Like I said before it wasnt katrina where the houses were under water or floating away it was just a storm with heavy winds like we have had in the passed.. Believe me I know cause I have worked most of them. This is the first one I was home for...

Why isnt it your fault for not getting a generator before the storm? You really didnt expect to lose power? My battery backup kept my mp10 going throughout the blackout. I only lost a few crabs due to poor gas exchange on the bottom of the tank. Its a hard lesson for everyone, but as others have said people have lost entire tanks, some even their homes. Sorry you lost a few corals, but I think your blame is a little misdirected...


Advanced Reefer
Northern NJ
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I understand that this is an expensive hobby and one should keep that in mind with instances like irene. However small a gesture of giving out frags orwhatever we can spare to those who lost their stuff may be, the psychological factor still remains. It always helps to know people have your back, especially within an online community like this where we make friendly relationships. I literally live alongside the saddle river and have seen first hand the devastation irene has caused, that being said much of my spare time isgoing to volunteer efforts to help wherever i can. Ive seen some of my closest friwnds and family get evacuated and literally lose nearly everything, all it takes is doing what you can when you can to really give these people some hope - to know theyre not alone in this. I feel this applies to reefers as well, not all of us have endless budgets. One thing i have noticed with tragedies in our history is that we band together briefly while its convenient then we return to business as usual. Even if we cant replace everything the gesture still counts. Im not religious but anyone of any faith can relate to the 'help thy neighbor' mindset. The monetary value wasnt the focal point of my suggestion, just a gesture to help our fellow reefers' mindsets some of whom more than likely didnt just lose a tank. Pay it forward folks, karma always comes back around.
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Advanced Reefer
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East coast got hit with a Hurricane..did anyone not know it was coming? So far 38 people died and some lost homes..

Did anyone really expect their power to not go out with a hurricane? We were supposed to get hit worse than we did..

We all invest a lot of money in reef tanks, myself included. If u have coral or livestock that you can't afford to lose, then you can't afford to not have a generator.

Generators are always available..well, except right before the storm hits...

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No we all new it was coming just like in the winter all the inches of snow that never comes. And this storm was the same way. It was a thunder storm with heavier winds that all it was. It also covered the whole state so everyone got it. The people that have passed away some of them are rescue workers that gave there lives to go look in a car that no one was in.
But yes my gen will be here friday as of fed ex web site.
In my town if you fart to hard the power goes out but only for a half hour or so. So thats what i expected.


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sorry to say this...i lost over 3k of coral, my tank crashed and still do not have power.....this was a very good leason....jcp&l is garbage i pick pse&g anyday if i could..oh btw 5th day without power
coralcrazy Im sorry to hear that.. Let me know when your back on your feet and the tank is up and running I could frag u a few things that I have grown out and could frag and I could run it by to you.
Again sorry for your loss. And Power.


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Some people have lost everything!!! Maybe those who can't see past themselves should take a ride in a helicopter to see how bad things really are!! I don't think you would be complaining about a couple of dead corals if your house was full of water and lost everything you had worked for your whole life!!!!! And to say the power company is not working fast enough for you is rediculous!
Well I hate to break this to you but I dont need a chopper I spent 10 hours of my shift in a boat making people leave there homes with just a bag or 2 and that sucked..
But I dont think I started this post to say look at me or feel sorry for me cause when I bought my house years age I made sure it wasnt in a flood zone and made sure that my house wouldnt float away.. The people in north jersey know when they bought there home and a boat was tied to front porch that that means something, it not there for show.. But anyway back to why I started this is maybe guys like me that didnt lose everything could frag stuff for people that did lose everything and it would be free and me personally I would even drive it to there houses as long as it wasnt 3 or 4 hours away for free.... That why I started this..
Power companies are all at fault has your elec bill gone down in the last 5 years? Cause all mine has done was go up and up. And the head guys put there smart brains together and figure for them to get there raises they need to lay off or fire people to save money (greed). So they get rid of people and dont have anyone left to do the work and maint. on the equip. And they dont replace stuff that was state of the art equip 75 to 100 years ago. But again they blame unions for the price going up.. So instead of replacing little at a time they just take raises and leave the 75 year old stuff to crap out on us during a thunder storm... But this is only how I feel...


Advanced Reefer
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I understand that this is an expensive hobby and one should keep that in mind with instances like irene. However small a gesture of giving out frags orwhatever we can spare to those who lost their stuff may be, the psychological factor still remains. It always helps to know people have your back, especially within an online community like this where we make friendly relationships. I literally live alongside the saddle river and have seen first hand the devastation irene has caused, that being said much of my spare time isgoing to volunteer efforts to help wherever i can. Ive seen some of my closest friwnds and family get evacuated and literally lose nearly everything, all it takes is doing what you can when you can to really give these people some hope - to know theyre not alone in this. I feel this applies to reefers as well, not all of us have endless budgets. One thing i have noticed with tragedies in our history is that we band together briefly while its convenient then we return to business as usual. Even if we cant replace everything the gesture still counts. Im not religious but anyone of any faith can relate to the 'help thy neighbor' mindset. The monetary value wasnt the focal point of my suggestion, just a gesture to help our fellow reefers' mindsets some of whom more than likely didnt just lose a tank. Pay it forward folks, karma always comes back around.
You are right I started this thinking I needed to vent and maybe frag some of my stuff that is well for people that did lose everything. Help them start up again.. for free...


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i feel your pain.im on day 5.i bought myself a 5500 generator because i didnt here it was just a thunderstorm.if anything this was a mild hurricane compared to what they were expecting.all i kept hearing was wind in the 90 mile an hour range.i think we topped out at 70 miles an hour.i think you got wrong info on watever station you were listening to.and thank god my dad just brought me a 2000 w inverter to give my generator a break and the neighbor around the corner from me let me use an outside outlet for midnight to 6 am.


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i feel your pain.im on day 5.i bought myself a 5500 generator because i didnt here it was just a thunderstorm.if anything this was a mild hurricane compared to what they were expecting.all i kept hearing was wind in the 90 mile an hour range.i think we topped out at 70 miles an hour.i think you got wrong info on watever station you were listening to.and thank god my dad just brought me a 2000 w inverter to give my generator a break and the neighbor around the corner from me let me use an outside outlet for midnight to 6 am.
Sorry to hear that...(having no power for 5 days) That is a good thing that you got that gen.


Advanced Reefer
Randolph, NJ
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yea, thank's man i think it would be a great idea to start a coral recovery for people who lost stuff during the power outage...i will post a thread, i have some zoas like candy apple and a few others i can frag for people...i lost all my sps


Advanced Reefer
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yea, thank's man i think it would be a great idea to start a coral recovery for people who lost stuff during the power outage...i will post a thread, i have some zoas like candy apple and a few others i can frag for people...i lost all my sps
yea thats a good idea. But what Im trying to figure out who would be trying to scam from us.. There are all kinds of scams out there already and its not even a week ago.


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just goes to show you who is the most important.all the stores are up and running.i cdall and call with no LIPA to fix a 10 minute problem.all they need to do is reset a fuse which a LIPA representative told me 6 hours ago when they came to check out our problem.still no powr


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just goes to show you who is the most important.all the stores are up and running.i cdall and call with no LIPA to fix a 10 minute problem.all they need to do is reset a fuse which a LIPA representative told me 6 hours ago when they came to check out our problem.still no powr
Man that stinks... But you know we are the little people.. Our bills arent high enought... Good Luck my friend....


Advanced Reefer
Northern NJ
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yea thats a good idea. But what Im trying to figure out who would be trying to scam from us.. There are all kinds of scams out there already and its not even a week ago.

There will always be dirtbags looking to benefit from other peoples misfortune as well as the generosity of others. To me helping one person who is truly in need isworth the risk. Ill get on the frag train if we have decent support. Lets see where thisgoes.


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uh oh sounds like a LIPA worker.dude if you are the one who duct taped the wire you should be fired.that is laziness and not a care in the world for another person.im not a electrician but i know 2 wires should not be duct taped tpogether an expected to be a fix.no wonder our poor unions are going under and your defending that craftmanship.even if that wasnt the cause what if the power didnt go out and a live cable was hangiing 5 feet off the ground?


Advanced Reefer
long island ny
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jmo and I think there is more to your problem then a fuse jmo
uh oh sounds like a LIPA worker.dude if you are the one who duct taped the wire you should be fired.that is laziness and not a care in the world for another person.im not a electrician but i know 2 wires should not be duct taped tpogether an expected to be a fix.no wonder our poor unions are going under and your defending that craftmanship.even if that wasnt the cause what if the power didnt go out and a live cable was hangiing 5 feet off the ground?

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Advanced Reefer
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well if we ever get a catagory 2 storm you will see mass looting and riots.this was a catagory 1 storm and look at the mayhem it caused.jeremy the guys from lipa told me personally it was a blown fuse.it will take 10 minutes to fix.this is why there shouldnt be a monopoly company running a million customers.


Advanced Reefer
long island ny
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Man that sucks I just can't see 6 days for a fuse sorry buddy if you need anything my.offer still stands
well if we ever get a catagory 2 storm you will see mass looting and riots.this was a catagory 1 storm and look at the mayhem it caused.jeremy the guys from lipa told me personally it was a blown fuse.it will take 10 minutes to fix.this is why there shouldnt be a monopoly company running a million customers.

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