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Northern Jersey
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I am upper west jersey, so I am only going to get the tropical storm part of Irene. I wanted to know, who here stuck it out and did not evacuate? And more importantly, how is the current condition of your home/street/town? Do you think you are going to be ok? And keep posting what the current condition outside of your home is. Pictures if any?

Currently, it's 1 in the morning, here in Sussex county we just started with the wind now. The rain is coming down pretty good, but the wind is slowly picking up real good now.

How are you doing? Is everything going ok? I hope everyone has a safe and harm free Sunday...

nyc reefer

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Staten Island
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My power been flickering a couple of time, I had to close my bedroom window too much wind driving water in. I have a Vortech battery backup so I should be ok. Only thing that worried me is basement flooding. Fingers crossed.


Advanced Reefer
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Here in Medford wind is picking up real good. We lost our lights for 30
Mins or so. Rain is really coming down. It's going to be a real bad storm. Let's all just pray we all get to keep our lights and be safe.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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It's 2 in the morning, and it's raining hard enough that I just took some advil PM to help let me sleep cause it's so loud outside. The wind is really pushing it now. I really wish this would have started getting bad out in the morning, not now, so I was awake for it and could be kept alert incase of emergencies.


reef guy in jc
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Bayonne over here. Wind is crazy!!!!! I'm staring at my AC hoping nothing happens!! I can't even sleep because I'm worried!! Also the howling of the wind is loud as hell!!


Advanced Reefer
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Bellerose queens 4 am and the wind is roaring through this place, throwing god knows what at the house. Still got no electricity but do have a mosquito flying around my room

Oh got only my koralia running out of all my equip, dunno how long the bat will last, blasting the surface to get some air in there

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Northport LI I've been without power since 4AM and it's 6AM now. The rain and wind aren't all that bad(yet I guess). Keeping my fingers crossed that this doesn't last more than a day or two.


Aspiring Reefer
Long Island
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So far in garden city I still have power although it did flicker a few times starting around 1:30/2 or so. The wind seemed stringer at 3am than now, 8:40, can't bare to watch any more news shows so I don't know if the worst is over or yet to come. At least if I lose power it's not raining so nothing has really come into my basement yet.

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