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the first couple of chapters i liked but that's only because i thought they would lead somewhere lol

The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss is good. Two books out at the moment. Book one was really good

The Queens Thief by Megan Whalen Turner is good. Four books out and all of them i really liked.

Also the Dresden Files is an enjoyable series, not as well written as Martins works but fun to read.

Oh and the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson - GREAT series last book will come out either end of this year or next year. Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson is really good too.

I read some of the Wheel of Time series, but after 1000 pages I realized that nothing had actually happened and lost interest. ;)

LOVE the Dresden Files - well written and fun characters. The series just keeps getting better. Also, if you like Dresden check out Ilona Andrews' 'Magic' series.

Anyone looking for good, mindless, fun reads...
1. 'Tooth and Nail' by Craig DiLouie - zombies and military action story
2. 'Rise Again' by Ben Tripp - Great Zombie book
3. 'Devil's Cape' by Rob Rogers - great Superhero novel
4. 'Ex-Heroes' by Peter Cline - Awesome combination of zombie apocolypse and superheroes!!!
5. 'Pulse' by Jeremy Robinson - military action with some sci-fi and mythology thrown in

...and, no, I don't watch much TV. :)


Advanced Reefer
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I hope that the next books will talk more about what happened to Valyria, love the old lore parts. The whole Age of Heroes thing makes me wish he would write another series about it :link:


Advanced Reefer
Westbury NY
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the first couple of chapters i liked but that's only because i thought they would lead somewhere lol

The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss is good. Two books out at the moment. Book one was really good

The Queens Thief by Megan Whalen Turner is good. Four books out and all of them i really liked.

Also the Dresden Files is an enjoyable series, not as well written as Martins works but fun to read.

Oh and the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson - GREAT series last book will come out either end of this year or next year. Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson is really good too.

Wow first person i have ever seen except myself that has read Patrick Rothfuss. Those books are great!

I am almost finished with the 3rd book in The Song of Ice and Fire series and i agree I am really enjoying it.

If you guys want to read one of the best books "Snow Crash" by Neal Stephenson. It is a cyberpunk book written in 1992. When the designer of X-box Live started the project he handed out this book and said they had to create the metaverse


Advanced Reefer
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Another great series is Abhorsen by Garth Nix, interesting take on traditional fantasy

Rho Agenda by Richard Phillips is a good sci-fi series

Seeker by Jack Mcdevitt is a great book won the nebula award, its part of a series but Seeker is def the best out of the bunch

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