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Long Island
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What I want to know now is what the heck was in the hail? My vegetable garden basically died. All the herbs are dead, my tomatoes are done and my grapes are also going south quick. The garden was covered in ice, so either there was something in it or it was the cold..

Paul B

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My vegetables are also gone, there was tomatoes all over my yard. The pepper plants just disintegrated. Even my bird house in a tree has the roof all bent up, I am not sure if the birds had insurance.
My bar be cue is also all dented, I just bought the thing but I used it tonight and I think it made the food taste better.
I went to my friends house and he was cleaning his bar be cue. He was all upset because it was dented. I told him "who cares" it's a bar be cue. He told me he spent $3,000.00 for it.
I said, "you spent $3,000.00 for a grill, your an Idiot" I think he was offended, but he is an Idiot.
Once when I was working as a construction foreman in Manhattan a guy came in my office to show me his watch. I said, nice watch. He said, you don't understand, this is a $7,000.00 Rolex.
I said Wow, I am impressed at how much of an Idiot you are for buying a $7,000.00 watch and then bringing it on a construction job.
I mean like what are people thinking? $3,000.00 for a grill and $7,000.00 for a watch. PT Barnum was right, There is a sucker born every minute.
For some reason some people think they get something better when they spend 20 times more for something than it is worth. I can see if you have a one of a kind Bar be cue built by Leonardo Di Vinci, then maybe it will be worth $3,000.00 but barring that, if you have a $3,000.00 bar be cue, your an Idiot.
If I spent that much for a grill it better come with a years supply of food and Angelina Jolie to cook it. :smile:

I have 2 cars, a Chevy Equinox and a PT Cruiser. I could buy a Lexus and a Cadillac, but I like my PT Cruiser better. If I was Bill Gates, I would still have my PT Cruiser. But I may have Angelina Jolie as a Chauffer
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Aspiring Reefer
Long Island
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Good stuff Paul...
I tell you, I agree on the grill, not so much the cars, but to each his own! Lol
I used to be a devout "weber" fan. I had a mid line stainless grill fir about 10 years, it was a great grill. It finally rusted out,(the frame) so this year I went shopping for a new grill. I wanted something bigger, 4 burners or more; I priced all the mainstream grills and I found the charbroils to be well priced and well reviewed on consumers. For about 230 bucks I got a 4 burner, side burner, stainless top, enclosed gas canister. For the same features in a weber you spend about 1200 and up! Nuts! There is a big difference in how they are made however, the charbroil is very flimsy compared to a weber, but who gives a crap! They both get hot and cook stuff! I'll buy a new charbroil every year for 200 bucks!
But seriously, besides the gardens getting pummeled by the one itself, what the heck was in the ice that killed our plants?!


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What I want to know now is what the heck was in the hail? My vegetable garden basically died. All the herbs are dead, my tomatoes are done and my grapes are also going south quick. The garden was covered in ice, so either there was something in it or it was the cold..

I don't think anything was "n the hail at all. The beating the hail itself gave your garden was enough to kill it. Not to mention the huge temperature swing. It was 93 on my weather station at work when the storm started and dropped to 61. Then add in the temp of ice sitting in your garden and also the rain was very cold in temp too.

Our crew has a garden that was completely destroyed. Watermelons, pumpkins, squash were all flattened so i think it would more than take care of grapes and tomatoes.

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