My vegetables are also gone, there was tomatoes all over my yard. The pepper plants just disintegrated. Even my bird house in a tree has the roof all bent up, I am not sure if the birds had insurance.
My bar be cue is also all dented, I just bought the thing but I used it tonight and I think it made the food taste better.
I went to my friends house and he was cleaning his bar be cue. He was all upset because it was dented. I told him "who cares" it's a bar be cue. He told me he spent $3,000.00 for it.
I said, "you spent $3,000.00 for a grill, your an Idiot" I think he was offended, but he is an Idiot.
Once when I was working as a construction foreman in Manhattan a guy came in my office to show me his watch. I said, nice watch. He said, you don't understand, this is a $7,000.00 Rolex.
I said Wow, I am impressed at how much of an Idiot you are for buying a $7,000.00 watch and then bringing it on a construction job.
I mean like what are people thinking? $3,000.00 for a grill and $7,000.00 for a watch. PT Barnum was right, There is a sucker born every minute.
For some reason some people think they get something better when they spend 20 times more for something than it is worth. I can see if you have a one of a kind Bar be cue built by Leonardo Di Vinci, then maybe it will be worth $3,000.00 but barring that, if you have a $3,000.00 bar be cue, your an Idiot.
If I spent that much for a grill it better come with a years supply of food and Angelina Jolie to cook it. :smile:
I have 2 cars, a Chevy Equinox and a PT Cruiser. I could buy a Lexus and a Cadillac, but I like my PT Cruiser better. If I was Bill Gates, I would still have my PT Cruiser. But I may have Angelina Jolie as a Chauffer