The truth is that you can make money with these if you are among the very first/ top teir of workers. The people they show in the video probably got in week one and you joining is just a drop in their bucket.
They mentioned that and said it was just to start you up as the company is not trying to pay for people who are not
Committed. They do pay to license you in order to legally sell their products to customers and those licenses aren?t cheap. So this is where I am confused about the situation? I see the reason in not paying for background checks and charging for the training. Might be the company?s way of seeing who is committed and ready and at the same time lowering cost by not spending on people who just want to ?see?.
Name one reputable company that you know of that does this. Whenever you hire someone you are going to take a risk on them. even jobs with crazy high turnover (think mcdonalds, the gap, etc) dont do this.
the model seems to be to make money by developing a steady stream of suckers to get more suckers to sign up and fork over a couple hundred bucks.
The truth is that you can make money with these if you are among the very first/ top teir of workers. The people they show in the video probably got in week one and you joining is just a drop in their bucket.
This is prob better for someone who is un occupied and starting out, might be just alittle better then flipping burgers like someone mentioned. The reason i say this is because they do provide you with the matirials needed and help you obtain financial licenses like life insurance and stuff. But this is prob not a good idea for soemone with a career and a family.