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Well I must have my facts mixed up, it may be that the boat or captian was out of montauk. I have this news article about it at work. Anywho...my point about the whale sharks were that they werent man eaters..and for that matter really fish eaters....but thanks for the heads up

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The reason why the shark are in so close this year is the abundance of bunker (menhaden). There are many miles of schools of this baitfish. It's an easy meal for whales, dolphin, and several species of sharks, all which are currently present in our inshore waters. Water temps are around normal for this time of year. Traditionally, we usually catch thresher and mako sharks in much cooler water. FYI we hooked one easily over 300lbs today. After several jumps he spit the hook. We were going to release it anyway so no big loss.
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The real big shark found here is the basking shark, not the whale shark. They can easily reach 20', even bigger sometimes, and occasionally come along the shore. Huge mouths, small teeth, totally harmless. "Jaws" was based on a series of shark attacks off NJ in 1910. Several attacks along the coast, with the last one up a river, well into fresh water. Originally blamed on a great white, because the attacks ended after a 10' GW was caught offshore. Its now assumed to be a bull shark, because the attacks fit the bull's pattern. Besides, I know of no other shark known to have attacked people in the surf on the east coast. Bulls are not found around here, but in recent years there were attacks as far north as Virginia, so there is no reason they can't make it up here again. Still, I wouldn't lose sleep over it. I myself won't go more than waist deep in the ocean, but its because of surf and rips....which scare me far more than sharks ever could. Glad there are lots of bunker along the south shore...now I know where they went. I haven't even seen a bunker in Cutchogue, where I spend my summers. Not even in April, when they usually come in thick. Fishing was very disappointing this season too. Last year there were very few bunker also, but at least I saw them...not this year.


Mt Sinai, NY
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How's this....hooked 2 miles off Jones Inlet..

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