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my father is a active fisherman who fishes every game fish in the ocean..well apparently he is hooking very large sharks 1/4 mile off the beaches of long island.he is telling me they are ranging from 4 to 6 hundred pounds.just be very cautious while swimming in the ocean.no one has mentioned any of the interactions on the news but local fisherman know what going on..


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James was the area he fishes in the rockaways???

I heard this happening like 3-4 weeks ago. These kind of sharks are harmless to humans I heard. Very hard to belive that the news would not be on this story if it was a mako shark or something else. My buddy says his freinds cought 500lbs there last weekend in 30 feet of water
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While a great white was caught and released about 20 miles off Montauk (they must be released by law), this is a normal summer occurrence. Great whites are not an inshore shark in this part of the world because we don't have a resident seal population during the summer. California, South Africa, south Australia all have resident seal populations that attract the sharks. Our seal populations come in winter, when nobody swims and the sharks are elsewhere. The inshore sharks that people have been catching are brown (sandbar) sharks, normal inshore sharks that reach about 5 feet or so and the big ones are thresher's. Threshers are entirely piscivorous, and have never even been rumored to be involved in attacks on humans. As far as I know, sandbars have a clean record also.


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There are a load of inshore sharks this year. We have landed 9 thresher sharks in 40ft of water the past 3 weeks. The biggest one we landed was around 350lbs released. We also landed several brown sharks and even 1 blue shark. Most of the sharks caught by everyone have been threshers which have a relatively small mouth for a large shark. There has never been a thresher attack on a human. The brown sharks are here every summer and never attack people. If there were an abundance of blue sharks I would be worried.


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he has caught threshers.attacks on humans are rare BUT its because they are normally deep water.they are not in deep water now.they are being caught in as little as 30 ft of water where people are water skiing and jet skiing.they will attack if provoked and are a very terrortorial fish.i dont know about you guys but even if they are considered to be a non aggressive shark i would like to be notified by someone to let me know these sharks are in the local area.would you want your little kids swimming next to these animals.
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The surf itself is far more dangerous than anything swimming in it. Most people don't swim 15 miles offshore. If there is any risk at all of a shark attack in LI waters (and you can never say there is no risk, no matter how minimal it is) it would be from a bull shark. Those are the sharks responsible for just about every east coast shark attack. They swim in very shallow surf and have no problem swimming up rivers, even as far as fresh water. They are normally only found along Florida and the Gulf, but of course warm summer water can easily bring some up to us, the same way manatees have come up as far as Ct. The bull shark is now believed to be the shark that killed all those people in NJ back in 1910...the story that was the basis for Jaws.


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charlie back in the early 1900s a boy went missing in a lake in NJ.the boys he was with said it was shark that got him.it was a bull sharks swimming up a fresh water stream going to have babies.bull shaqrks lgive birth in freshwater..


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Great whites have always been found off the tip of montauk, infact the inspiration for jaws was caught off mountauk. And the sharks the were mentioned a few weeks ago were whale sharks, sharks with no teeth and eating plankton and krill. However I have to believe the warmer weather plays into the abundance of sharks closer to shore. Out on the east end during the summer they hold shark tournaments a few times a summer, however a quarter mile off shore is very close

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