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Forever Noob
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Hey All,

I know the old story : Never lend money to friends. In this case I didn't listen. I loaned a substantial amount to a friend of mine who was in a bind and his payment was just off timing of his paycheck (paid bi weekly, but the amount was due that week).

I checked his income via tax forms and pay stubs and he was good to go. I also got a promissory note. Here's my issue, I can't find him and he's been like 3 months late on payment. I've tried every means of contacting him to no avail. His place of residence (his mom and brother still live there) is across the street from me, but he's not home.

I already spoke to an attorney and going the legal route there is no gaurantee for my money will come back to me and I could be out more due to the legal fee. I know some people here are in a wide range of professions and am wondering what are your 2 cents and what other options do you think I have.


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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id let his mom and brother know that you are filing in small claims court, no need for a lawyer and such and if you win the case he is financially responsible for all court cost also. they will subpenia him to court


Forever Noob
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Aznmajik- No you don't know who he is.

Yea, that whole thing about the Promissory note sucks. I mean nobody else has filed a claim yet.

I can't go to small claims court this is above the legal limit for that.

I was thinking about a P.I. but how likely is it that it will work? Any experience?

I am seriously on the verge of just collecting from his mom and brother. I shouldn't get screwed for helping him out.


Experienced Reefer
Brooklyn NY
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That's horrible. Going to family is usually last resort. But I hope it works out for you in the end.

I don't even think thugs collect from families anymore lol.

But yea, legal fees would just kick you in the nuts. It's worth just going to small claims. Or going to his friends and finding out where he is.


Saltwater since 1973
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I already spoke to an attorney and going the legal route there is no gaurantee for my money will come back to me and I could be out more due to the legal fee.

That's the sad reality...you might as well pray for a miracle, the $ is gone.
How can you (legally) collect from his mother/brother?

Breakin Newz

Advanced Reefer
North NJ
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Not much you can do at this point, just be patient as I'm sure you'll eventually run into him.. Has he possibly left the country?

Sent from my ADR6300 using Reefs


A Little Annoyed!
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this is a tough one. Tracking down someone like this is hard. It is easy to track people that pay their bills and have credit and such. But people who do not, don't leave a trail to follow.

There are some sites online that you can pay to do a background check on them. Did you try to look to see if he was locked up in NJ?

I hope that you have all of his information? Copy of his tax forms or something that gives you his "real info". Not just name and address.

A PI could be the way to go, but not going to be cheap.


A Little Annoyed!
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I have his ssn and I know he is paying his phone bill and is still on facebook. Does that even help. I actually will check NJ now, nope he's not there either.

You can't Just check the NJ Department Of Corrections website. That will only show people in PRISON (who were sentenced to prison time). You want to check county jails (Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Passaic). Those would be the closest to NY.

If you have his SS number then you can prob track him with an online service. But unless he used a new address somewhere ALONG with his SS number then it might not help.
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