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There are two things that I can think of as options.

1. Talk to his family, explain the situation, and ask where he is. It may be a simple answer.

2. Find a lawyer that will take the case with payment contingent upon winning a settlement. If a lawyer is willing to take the case, they generally do it because they think you have a good chance of winning. If no one wants the case, it may mean you don't have a legal leg to stand on.


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Hey just a idea. Get some1 to pose as a land surveyer( might have title wrong) have them go start taking pictures of the guys house. Make sure the family is home. They will come out like whats goin on. Then u tell them that theyre house is going up for sale because of the situation. ( dont say judge or court order or police or anything like that. Its a simple trick i learned while being a fugitive recovery agent some time ago but it works ppl usually get the person there asap. In ur case the funds ur owed



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Thats why I only lend if it's money I absolutely can do with never seeing it come back. Will never no matter who it is and how bad the situation is for them(unless my mom) lend them money that I would absolutely need to recover. If it's an amount that I would say to myself theres no way I would ever eat that amount-no loan, ESPECIALLY if like in this persons case would have only put the payment a week behind- you said he got paid bi weekly? So then you should have let him use the grace period or be a little late on 1 payment.

That way just like it has happened to you you write it off and let karma handle it down the road- it always comes back to bite them in the end if they do someone wrong, you may not hear about it but he or she will take a major hit sometime later on.

Sucks to say but you can't trust anyone anymore.


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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post a reward on his facebook for someone to locate him for you, when people know someone is really after them they either will pop up or go further into hiding, plus the raw embarrassment of people knowing what he has done, dont say why at first why you are looking for him but you might get a response from him if he see's that you have reached to that point of tracking him down


Experienced Reefer
Long Island, NY
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I know small claims goes up to 5g's. Depending on the loan amount, it might be better to get 5g's than nothing at all. Then take the remainder in lump payments. One lump for every week he's late.... ;)

J/k about one part...


Saltwater since 1973
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Amount is more than small claims.
Total amount doesn't matter, you can still sue for the 'first' $5G

I know small claims goes up to 5g's. Depending on the loan amount, it might be better to get 5g's than nothing at all.
Get the $5Gs from who? You can win the judgement in court, but good luck collecting it, especially if you can't find him.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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post a reward on his facebook for someone to locate him for you, when people know someone is really after them they either will pop up or go further into hiding, plus the raw embarrassment of people knowing what he has done, dont say why at first why you are looking for him but you might get a response from him if he see's that you have reached to that point of tracking him down
or he might just delete him as a friend and delete his comment..most of us have it on our phones and could be done in about 5 seconds lol. I would message people you know are close to him and see if they know anything. Just act like you haven't seen him in a while and you are wondering what's up with him. If that fails try to get someone to go to his house and say he WON MONEY and he needs to claim it. People are always more inclined to respond positively if they think the outcome will be positive ESPECIALLY if he has money problems. Everyone wants to get rich for no reason.
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