Look at your avatar, LordNikon! Who or what is that?! Who puts a picture of a goofy looking, closely cropped hair guy that looks like hes being called back to the front of the line at the customs department in an international airport in Turkey?! :mrgreen:
Sorry if that came across as rude; just expressing my frustration at not knowing what the heck your avatar is! 8)
I know how to cycle a tank super fast (1-2 weeks).... Its called a large bottle of CycleTM dumped completely and totaly into the water every day, a large bottle of Amquel PlusTM dosed slightly more than the stated dose every day, water changes every day at first, then every 2 days, a larger filter than what is "necessary" for the tank size with a fresh filter cartrige with activated carbon every week or sooner, with a pouch of PurigenTM in the filter wherever it will fit, and live sand. I dont care if you have the grodiest Live rock you can find; uncured, nasty, full of roting sponges and garbage and detritus, or whatever. This will totally cure and cycle everything so fast youll think youve been slapped in the face with a hallucinogenic African frog! Of course, this is a fairly good way to get rid of a lot of perhaps unwanted money... Its not cheap, unless you go to a wholesaler and buy a crate of said stuff... I did it, and Im testament to its superiorness! :lol:
However, I would still wait around one week after you start reeding zero ammonia and nitrites. Youll probably need to buy a pH buffering substance, since pH drops might hit you somewhere along the line; its ok though, as long as you buffer as necessary. This is also assuming you buy uncured live rock, and just drop it in and leave your lights on about 8-12 hours a day. A protein skimmer will help the process out a bunch.
Its also a lot of work... Dont do it if youre lazy, like me!!!
Hope that helps!