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wilson the volleyball

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whether or not i should continue working on my nano reef. I have gotten so much valuable information from this site and i dont want people to think it wasnt valued but its getting very expensive(i dont even have lights test kits heater and im already over 300, with that stuff i will be around a grand). I dont know if i would be able to afford the best for a slatwater environment. All the help i have recieved was greatly appreciated asnd i am extremely thnkful for it, but in a year im gonna have a car and insurance payments(very expensive where i live especially for guys) and i have to start to put more money away for my future schooling(university). I havent completley decieded yet but i may start another freshwater tank since they arent as expensive, or i may continue with my nano(but i dont know yet). i am still going to be reading around and learning and maybe when i am done school in 6 years i may start again and i will be very prepared because i will have 6 years of reading experience behind me. I just want to say thank you and that this is not for sure but i ahvent decided yet.

I hope i havent let anyone down for aqll the useful and great amount of information here.

Thank you


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Do yourself a favor and whatever you decide, keep whatever equipment you have already. - No point in selling it for (probably) less than what you already paid and then when the bug bites you to start it up having to turn around and buy it again....

I'm still kicking myself for having sold several thousand dollars worth of unused warm water scuba gear a few years ago.. Stuff I probably won't use for at least another 5-6 years but still..

wilson the volleyball

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y eah i think i might see if i can return a few things(salt, hydrometer) but everything else i will probably keep. I really want to do this but i just dont thinkthis is the right time financially for. I will keep on reading but i think i might wait till laster on in life. I dont really have much bought yet just 2 powerheads the tank salt and a few small things.



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Are you already doing marine fish-only?

Don't need as much in expensive equipment there.. - Lights can be your regular run-of-the-mill flourescents and don't HAVE to have as much in test kits. Add a hang-on filter or something and you're pretty much ready to go. That'll also give you some experience to draw on if you don't have it already too. I had marine fish-only tanks for probably 12-14 years before I started a reef.

Good luck whatever you decide!



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Talk to Brandon429 about picos...that might be a bit cheaper, especially if you go to college and live on campus...if anything buy bits and pieces over time...like gratefuldiver said, the bug may bite again and you'll be wishing you had your stuff...Im going through this right now with hockey equipment...

wilson the volleyball

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i thnk iwill keep most of my stuff. But like my salt im going to return that because i dont think it will aslt that long. I also dont know if i have the time fro a marine tank, i have a lot of school work i have been doing latley and altho its almost done, i will then be getting more hours at my work, and i am looking for a second job because car insurance is extremeley expensive(like 5grand for a 92-94 cavalier i think) . So i dont know if it is my time for it now, i am still really interested in them, and i will keep learning but i ahvent decided yet. I just want to say thanks for all the help, and i will still be lurking around here to keep learning and maybe give some advice. if i were to do a FO wouldnt i need a skimmer and stuff and then live rock, and the test kits for basic stuff including calcium were like 130 for salifert(i never really thought this was going to get so expensive lol)


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if you were doing FO you really wouldnt need test kits for calcium..just basics...ph nitrites, nitrates...and FO you could just use LR and im not really sure a skimmer is necessary either...that would save you a few bucks :D

wilson the volleyball

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maybe i willh ave to look into that. But wouldnt it be kind of boering because i only want two clownfish and they d be like the only thing in the tank besides a cleaner shrimp nad maybe a few snails


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5 grand for a 92-94 cavalier????

I pay $319 ($638 for 12 months) for a 2001 Cavalier. 5 Grand seems a tad too extreme to me.

wilson the volleyball

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well i think its cuz i will be a 17 year old male, just getting my licence to drive by myself. that was an idea from an insurance agency. I was just wondering what corals can be kept under say less then 8wpg(pc lights) and dont need to be spot fed or any special dosing.What can be kept under 5wpg? thanks

wilson the volleyball

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k thanks do they need to be dosed for or n ething. Also someone just pointed this outt o me, if im going away to school and going to be leaving this to my parents would it be a lot of money down the drain cuz they may not do sumthing right. I am in a hard spot right now because i really like slatwater fish(alot) but i also want an oscar. What do u think i should do in my situation. or should i just not get n e thing else.


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As someone mentioned before, you could always try a pico, you could take that to school with you.

And a 2.5gal weighs like 30 - 40lbs, you could pick it up and move it without needing to dismantle if need be.


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Fozza":2y1wxfif said:
5 grand for a 92-94 cavalier????

I pay $319 ($638 for 12 months) for a 2001 Cavalier. 5 Grand seems a tad too extreme to me.
I didn't pay 5 grand for my first car, let alone insurance for it!!!
Get the Kelley Blue Book value on that bad boy. I think it should be in hte 3500-3900 dollar range in regards to its dealer price. You need to get more quotes before you purchase insurance. For a first time driver, you should be paying about 100-115 a month for insurance... HTH :wink:

wilson the volleyball

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For insurance here tho its higher for a first time driver because they dont have enough experience i guess. They also ahve it higher for teenage guys, because stats show they are in more accidents. One of the other reasons i dont know if i want a pico is because you have to keep up on water changes very heavily because if something goes wrong it could screw up your whole tank, i dont know if id be able to do that every week, also that is a reson for the 15g too.


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Yeah, car insurance for unexperienced teenage guys is the highest of all. The car insurance for my car (unexperienced teenage girl) is $2000 I think.

I think going FO would be your best bet, though a FO tank sounds boring to me as far as SW stuff goes. Just some rock and some fish. :P


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Like others mentioned, get a Pico reef. I used to have a FW MicroPico in a 2oz shot glass. I used to take it to movies with me.

wilson the volleyball

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are they hard to take care of tho. Like qwouldnt iahve to be real good with water chagnes like every day. Also i want clown fish adn arent they too big for a pico.


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You don't necessarily have to do any water changes with a pico.

Mine stays at 0 nitrates whether I do a water change or not. The only reason I do do water changes is to add new trace elements, which can be dosed if need be.

And yes, a pico shouldn't really have a clown in it.

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