I bought a 15 high this past sat. that is 20" long, 18" high, and 10" wide. Point being they are different size tanks that hold the same number of gal. Measure carefully.
I would avoid petsmart. Try going to www.mops.ca and check out some of the forums, there are often people selling of there stuff including liverock and livestock (I have gotten frags from there and have have very good experiences). Also some good links to canadian sites. Don't really know of anything out your way. I also have a 10 gallon reef (PC lights)just make sure you are very diligent about your water changes. Anything else, please let me know.
well im not getting animals at my local petmsart, they dont sell them. i am just going to get like pwerheads and snad and stuff like that cuz its the cheapest i have found(and i dont really want to order offline). i9 am going to petsmart hopefully tomorrow night to start buying stuff. i think one powerhead and hydrometer for now lol im a little broek hahahah.
nothing wrong with that, wilson. each store has its niche. petsmart is fine for equipment and dry goods. i'd simply avoid buying living things from them. only other problem is they don't have a lot of the specialized equipment for reef stuff ... at least not around here.
i have only ever bought a few fw fish from them and they have lasted me a while. i think mine is actually pretty good wtih a lot of stuff, and their prices are a lot cheaper. tey dont have n e salwtwater fsih so i m not getting n e thing like that there. they have a few sw supplies tho like a hydrometer and aragamax snad i think, and then heaters and phs i can buy from the fw section cuz it doesnt matter where they come froom lol.
Right on! its a start..half the fun is putting your tank together...dream away...Petsmart is ok for dry goods..as Hwarangs has said, it doesnt specialize in reef type equipment..Petco IMO isnt much better but you can atleast purchase some SW inhabitants...i dont know if you plan on skimming your tank but i wouldnt purchase anything from Petsmart or Petco when it comes to skimmers...you wanna buy good and buy good the first time...!
we dotn have n e petcos in canada, at least where i am. so far i have two things and im already havin fun lol, i wish i had more money so i could have bought more. does n e one know if the ac 201 is really noisy or is it realatively quiet.
There was some saltwater fish at my local Petco. I felt sorry for them because all the tanks had some sort of brown algae on the gravel bottom :evil: . Some of the algae would break off and float up to the top. What is this stuff? It was definately killing them cause I witnessed a blue Damsel die right before my eyes. He was swimming vertical for awhile before dieing. One nemo all by himself with no BTA, LR or anything. I just wanted to buy him to save him. But I know of course that he could have parasites or something.
well i want to get the coralife 2x65 watt light. i ahve to see if my lfs will order them for me. i know my one lfs has some type of lighting made by all-glass, but i havent looked into that yet. i am pretty sure it is pc tho.
You know you'll probably end up paying a little bit of markup for the light if you order it through the LFS. Why not just order it direct online? The base price will be cheaper and you'll avoid the retail markup.