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danmhippo":2axn7lzx said:
Hmmm, that's funny, how come www.websters.com said:

man·tis ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mnts)
n. pl. man·tis·es or man·tes (-tz)

It's the same answer I got for plural form of mantis on another dictionary is also "mantes"

Well, I'm not surprised. webster doesn't have a plural for 'hominid' or 'aphid' or 'octopod' either. An entomology PhD assures me 'mantids' is approriate, at least when describing the insect, just like you can say 'hominids', 'aphids', or 'octopodes'. Webster also says 'octopi' is a plural of 'octopus', which is technically incorrect.

Anyway, sorry for the distraction. Back to your tank!

PS Bingo, it's more like "surroundedbylotsofgoodbooksandveryknowledgeablepeoplepants" I just look all this stuff up or ask someone.


the whole manti mantis thing i think is just joking around..at least i was. :D


p.s. Matt i still plan on buying the Poci and some acro off ya, im not schlepin ya off, just busy between school and hockey playoffs...


Wow; I didnt even know there was a forum that had a mantis forum out there! I didnt even know there was a reef forum other than THIS one out there! Wow, that was a de ja vou! MAybe its somehow linked to the word "wow"... Wow, thats weird. Wow, I just had a de ja vou!!! *slaps self*


I've seen that one, pretty cool. There's another one, supposedly like 20 megs, featuring a mantis tearing apart a crayfish, Gladiator style. The only place it was posted pulled it quickly because repeated downloads caused them to overrun bandwidth. If anyone has that one, I'd be like "w00t" if you could post it or FTP it.


Russel Crowe gladiator style or Kirk Douglas Sparticus gladiator style?


crowe gladiator style.

last night i threw a frozen krill in the ring. banstyle smelled it quickly, and found it in a second. i tapped the glass when i fed her (train her up!). she sniffed the krill then gave it a good whack with one of her clubs, severing it in half. she took the tail portion into one of her burrows and chowed it down. then i saw her take the front half about an hour later.

sooon, she will get live food.


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I've been keeping saltwater tank for over a decade, and I've never seen a mantis in person. I thought that was a good thing. Now, I think I should have been selling them on the internet!


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It may be a bit late to reply to this topic. Great pic. The mantis will destroy anything it can eat. I have a mushroom tank with Mantis only, I am replacing the five hermits every week, and Destruction my mantis has already eaten two turbo snails. I would suggest a nano just for the shrimp and keep it stocked with hermits.

Every once in a while I feed destruction some ghost shrimp (if available). It is quite a sight to watch him tear apart the ghost shrimp.

Sorry for budding in.



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You're not budding in, the thread exists to get replies :)

I've set up a special tank just for her, so don't worry, I read as much as I could before acquiring her.

Banstyle the mantis shrimp is already queen of the Coliseum. The Coliseum is a 2.5g shoebox tank that I set up just for her. The only thing in there right now is some xenai and rubble rock. She's already dug a series of tunnels underneath it, and the last few nights while reading on the couch I could see her burrowing into the rock - tap tap tap! She was on an outside face of the rock and seemed to just choose a random spot to start making a hole. Pretty sweet.

There was an emerald crab that stowed away on the live rock. I named him appetizer. He was a little large for banstyle to take on, but I always saw her eyeing him up. When he tried to molt, she took the opportunity to eat half his face. Poor little dude looked like a john caught with his pants donw, lol, all half - in- half - out of his shell.

Banstyle eats just about anything. I started her off with flakes and now she eats frozen krill readily. I've been looking for small and inexpensive crustaceans and gastropods to throw in the tank for her. I am probably going to take the stomatella snail eating peppermint shrimp out of my nanocube and sentence her to death by Banstyle. Or maybe just sell her and buy a crap load of small snails I can use as a once a week treat.


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Man I practically live at my LFS, so I can get some cheap critters. Basically anything that falls out of the live rock I can take for free. Destruction my mantis has eaten everything from fireworms to emerald crabs. Right now I have Bluey in the five gal with Destruction hoping she'll become supper. Bluey was heck on my nano.

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