To busy to borrow the digicam right now, and there's nothing to photograph yet anyway. It's a JBJ 12 gallon glass nanocube, and I decided to not modify it besides adding a large pump and remove all the filter media.
The filtration is 15 lbs of live rock from www.harboraquatics.com . I'm a little disappointed that the rock has some Aiptasia anemones on it, but otherwise it looks very good. Lots of nice coralline algae, a hitchiker astrea snail, and a gargantuan (about 6") bristleworm. There is also a tiny crab which is probably a coral predator, but I'm leaving him in. The sandbed is shallow, about 1", and is Southdown sand. The water is natural sea water from
I'll post pics when I get the orchid dottyback pair next month
EDIT: Scratch that, never got them for this tank.
The filtration is 15 lbs of live rock from www.harboraquatics.com . I'm a little disappointed that the rock has some Aiptasia anemones on it, but otherwise it looks very good. Lots of nice coralline algae, a hitchiker astrea snail, and a gargantuan (about 6") bristleworm. There is also a tiny crab which is probably a coral predator, but I'm leaving him in. The sandbed is shallow, about 1", and is Southdown sand. The water is natural sea water from
I'll post pics when I get the orchid dottyback pair next month
EDIT: Scratch that, never got them for this tank.