hey, cmlp, nice mini leather coral! Your polyp thingy is the makings of a juvenile lettuce cup leather coral, I forget the genus/sp nomenclature.
They are fun to have in nanos, I have one in my RB that has been cut and removed twice from the LR and grown back slowly every time. They are nearly physically indestructable (although lousy water params can kill them) and will regrow from even the slightest cutting-so dont hesitate to frag when they are too big. Just cut them right off with a razor blade. Primarily photosynthetic as well, so no need for addt'l feedings.
Neat pic. B429.
They are fun to have in nanos, I have one in my RB that has been cut and removed twice from the LR and grown back slowly every time. They are nearly physically indestructable (although lousy water params can kill them) and will regrow from even the slightest cutting-so dont hesitate to frag when they are too big. Just cut them right off with a razor blade. Primarily photosynthetic as well, so no need for addt'l feedings.
Neat pic. B429.