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Recent content by zip_case

  1. Who is the youngest here?

    21! yeah baby!
  2. Zoo-Med's Powersweepers are junk!

    lol... I guess I am lucky then, because my powersweep has been working for the last year now. hehe... I only had to pull it out once to clean it.
  3. sucks to be my LFS!

    Dang... 5g's... must be a sucker then, cause I paid about $100 for my pair. hehe...
  4. Diatom

    All I can say is, it'll take time... I remember my tankwas having a little problem with the diatom growing 'out of control' the first few months but after that, everytime settled down and it's great now.
  5. Quick question about BTA

    For the last couple mornings my BTA "ball up" to the point that all the tentacles are concealed. But later in the day it would look like normal. I’ve had this BTA for about 9 months now. Should I be concerned?
  6. Clown Troubles

    How old is the tank? What are you water parem? Are there any other inhabitants?
  7. Lighting for refugium?

    I'm looking into the Lights of America option but isn't 65w a tad bit excessive for just a 10 gal refugium? Would the 27w or 42w better okay? -z
  8. Lighting for refugium?

    In a couple of weeks I'll be settled in my new place and plan on adding a 10 gal. refugium to my current setup (29 gal). My question is there a specific requirement for lighting in a refugium? -z
  9. Anthias gettin skinny

    Have you tried mixing up they entree? In my tank I would feed them brine one day, and the next day mysid. Every now and then I would feed them finely chopped krills. hope that helps. -z
  10. Info for closed brain?

    Hi, I really want a closed brain but I would like to have some info before I place it into my system. I've tried the net but turned up little on the subject. So I turn to you guys, what book/website do you suggest I look up to learn more about the coral? Thanks, -z
  11. Tips for moving tanks?

    Vitz, Your suggest will definately help me out BIG time. Especially the tip with the saucer. Because knowing me, I would have messed the SB. Thanks again, -z
  12. Tips for moving tanks?

    Hi, I was wonder if anyone can offer any tips for moving a 29 gal tank? I'll be moving the tank about an hour away from my present location. The following are the of livestocks I have: 2 percula clown, 1 lemonpeel angel, 1 neon goby, 1 cleaner shrimp, and 2 BTA (that are almost impossible to...
  13. My BTA Split!

    Ladies and gentlemen after a week of being away traveling for work, I came home to an unexpected surprise of having two BTA. hehe just thought you guys should know because I always read about it on the board and finally it was my turn. :D
  14. Jet black ocellaris

    Those clowns are so dope! I know a place in Portland that has them all the time. And today, if everything is right I'll have myself a pair. hehe :D
  15. Clown and BTA question...

    Hi, I was wondering if a BTA can be a host for the percula? I thought that it can but a few people I talked to told be otherwise. -zip
