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Recent content by wickerj

  1. Self draining skimate cup for Remora

    Haven't done it on a Remora but I did on another skimmer. I drilled a hole in the collection cup inserted and siliconed a hose barb in place, attached a drain line to it and ran the line into a 1 gallon milk jug. Make sure you use a big enough tube as they tend to clog up with nasty stuff...
  2. Adding additional overflow to tank?

    I think you'll end up spending more time, money and headache trying to figure out a way to save $50. Buy a smaller return pump and use the larger pump you currenlty have on a closed loop setup. That's what I'm planning to do. I currently have 2 HOB overflows and a mag 18 return and the noise...
  3. Opinions needed on sump plans

    Why don't you t off your drain line to feed your refugium, raise the bulkhead location and let it gravity feed back into the middle sump. Jeff
  4. Gurgle, Gurgle. My lifereef is loud!!!

    Take a look at Rich Durso's site. He has pics of both his design as well as Ken Stockman's. http://www.rl180reef.com/ Jeff
  5. Can I do Acros?

    You'll be fine I keep my SPS under 400 watt 20K Radium and they look great. Dr Mac only uses 400 watt 20k's Jeff
  6. simple sump

    Buy a U tube type overflow, several are for sale right now here and on RC. water flows from it to your sump (rubbermaid container) where you have your skimmer and return pump Mag 5, water leaves the sump via the mag (with a ball valve attached to the output side) through a combination of...
  7. What additives and how often?

    RO/DI water that passes through a Kalk Reactor and that's the only thing I do except feeding the fish. Jeff
  8. building sump, need feedback on design

    You've got your sections truned around. You don't want your refugium overflowing into your skimmer compartment. Jeff
  9. Concrete Sealer?

    Mr400 had a concrete tank and he used a pool sealer. Check out his site for more info mr4000.com Here's a line from the Q&A section of his site Q. What did you seal the tank with? A. I found that you could use pool paint so i got 12 year epoxy paint.(they said it should last longer than 12...
  10. FLow question?

    In my 58 I did just what Snapper suggested but I also use 1" PVC to get more volume less velocity. My setup is 2 lifereef overflows, 50 gallon sump and a Mag 18 running wide open. My sump is located about 3' away from the tank in a closet. Jeff
  11. Opinions on upgrading to my new tank

    You probably didn't have to much bio activety in your new sandbed but by moving everything you did disrupt anything that was going on so you may have a mini cycle. Adding the top layer of sand from your other tank 1" or less is a good idea. Jeff
  12. tank pics, looking for comments

    Your tang looks nice and fat. How's the trigger do in your reef tank? What's your filtration like?
  13. Gurgle, Gurgle. My lifereef is loud!!!

    You don't want a ball valve on your drain line and you sure don't want to have it part way closed. When (not if) a snail goes down your drain it's likely to get stuck in your ball valve restricting your water flow but your return pump will continue to pump water, your tank will fill then...
  14. Drilling tank for overflow ????

    Glass, and the bottom is tempered. I was thinking about taking it down, having it drilled in the back corner about 6" up from the bottom and installing an acrylic overflow. Jeff
