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In my new 58 gallon tank I fired up the sump for a few and there is ALOT of current.

I am using a mag9 for the sump return. Strong current from the return. I know flow is good but this will blast the fish across the room. Let alone I will have to no "Glue" the corals to the rocks to keep them in place.

I am planning on adding a closed loop in a few months. Will this be overkill?

Tank is 36x18x21 with a 4 inch DSB.
grapefruit seeds


One option is to split your return with a "T" fitting and have it re-enter the tank from opposite ends so that the flow intersects on the front glass in the middle.


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In my 58 I did just what Snapper suggested but I also use 1" PVC to get more volume less velocity. My setup is 2 lifereef overflows, 50 gallon sump and a Mag 18 running wide open. My sump is located about 3' away from the tank in a closet.



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I could do that but I will have to redo all of the plumbing. It is all glued together now. Plus I have to take down the tank again to get behind the tank to install pipe holder to keep the plumbing in place.

Hispanic / Latino Forum


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If you are ending the return line in loc line you could add a loc line diffuser to the end - before you rip out your plumbing... something to try.

I've been modifying my setup alot, I currently have in my 75rr AGA:

Return pump rated at 1190gph @ 0 head running through 3/4" tubing to 3/4" loc line with a 3" diffuser at the end. This gives just about the perfect velocity to the ~1000gph tank turnover. (1.25" Durso handles this great!)

The regular nozzle that loc line has was generating way to much velocity with this pump, and splitting the loc line into 2 diffusers was not nearly enough.



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Do you mean the flared end instead of the nozzle?

Where can I get this?

I would hate to order a $5 part and pay $5 shipping.
schrom pics


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Yup, the flared wedge shaped piece... it looks like a vacuum cleaner attachment for a rug (like I remember what that looks like!) Mine tapers from a 3/4" circle to a slit about 3" wide by about 1/4".

I got mine at my LFS, not really cheap for a tiny piece of plastic, but ~$5 well spent IMO. You can always use different plumbing pieces to play with!

heres a link: http://modularhose.com/merchant2/mercha ... ory_Code=6

I never bought from here. Theres a button to hit to order in black I see...


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Ohhhh BTW... WTF, I almost forgot to warn you.

There is a chance that loc line stuff made by another company may not fit the stuff that comes on an AGA rr overflow kit. If it is a slightly different size, the joint one way will be so loose that water can come out and you won't even be able to join it up on the other side, it's so tight... this is what happened to me. Luckily I had previously bought a whole different system of loc line from the LFS. ($$ :roll: ) That is what I used with the diffuser.


(it's never simple is it?)


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I did what Snapper suggests. Split flow with a tee returning to each end of my 140 gal. Ball valves on each return allow me to regulate flows. inserted 1/2" x 3" nylon reinforced "flex"tubing bent at about 15 degrees into each of the return nozzles that allows me almost unlimited flow direction as well. I just change flow direction manually a couple times a day. With this setup, I have whacks of return flow choices (ie. chaotic turbulent, heavier flow on one side of tank, to nearly no flow at all etc.) I've found this to be highly effective. Yes I would like to go automatic but if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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