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Recent content by simonh

  1. Do you read Advanced Aquarist Magazine?

    I read it every month. Here's the problems I have had in the past when trying to access the forums using the links given at the bottom of the articles: a) link to forum list on the old BB software (this has happened even on recent articles long after the BB upgrade) b) link to the incorrect...
  2. Julian: Mn and Fe and Goniopora

    Thanks Charles. The pictures I saw in the other thread awhile back looked stunning. Hope everything continues to go well with the Goniopora.
  3. Spiderlight Chart Error?

    Thanks Sanjay.
  4. Spiderlight Chart Error?

    Thanks Sanjay. I knew something didn't quite look right. A couple of other catches. Figure 25 has the PFO Parallel label used twice, whereas I presume the second one is the PFO Perpendicular. Also, Figure 15 is titled incorrectly I beleive. Do you have any idea why the data for the...
  5. Inland Reef / Reefs.org Salt Analysis Project

    I want to raise a few questions although I don't expect anyone to have all the answers yet: How do the results from the dry assay proposed compare to those from analysis suchas Dr Bingman's? Habib Sekha of Salifert recently mentioned (in the Chemistry forum at ReefCentral) that he was...
  6. Spiderlight Chart Error?

    Sanjay & Tim, First, thanks for putting together another great article. However, I am sure there are some errors in the Spiderlight charts. In figure 13 at 9" we can see that the Spiderlight peaks at the dark blue colour (around 1500-1600 PAR) same as on the LumenArc peak. However, on Figure...
  7. Spiderlight Chart Error?

    *deleted* EDIT: Sorry, it looks like the Feature Article also links to the wrong forum ;)
  8. Links for Europe/Asia mail order companies

    I've dealt with the following and had good service. All correspond via e-mail in English fairly well: www.sewatec.de www.aquaristic.net www.aquaristikshop.de www.seame.com www.meeresaquaristik.de _________________ Infertility Forum
  9. Julian: Mn and Fe and Goniopora

    Is the Goniopora at Waikiki in the new display tank? If I remember correctly Bruce Carlson recently indicated at a talk in the UK that the new tank that Charles had setup was a little different from previous setups. It would not use well water and wasn't a flow through design? If so then it...
  10. ever seen PINCHED clam mantles??

    Thanks for the replies guys. It makes it more interesting that the clams were returned straight back to the main tank and did not show any further symptoms after treatment. One of the clams which I moved into a Q tank earlier in the year that fully recovered has shown no further symptoms after...
  11. ever seen PINCHED clam mantles??

    I have been suffering this problem exactly as you describe for the last 12-18 months with most of my clams. I don't have any parasitic snails, have no problem with testable water paramaters, and have a tank full of fast growing Acropora in excellent health (the only 'problem' I have is some red...
  12. Photomicrographs of Substrates!

    It would be good to have something like an ICP analysis done on the Aragamax product to see exactly what levels of metals maybe added to the aquarium if it does dissolve in the DSB.
  13. New Online Magazine

    I just finished reading it and can't wait for next months issue. Definitley something to checkout this weekend if you haven't already! [ February 08, 2002: Message edited by: simonh ]</p> _________________ federal grants
  14. The Porche of Aquariums ....... DROOOOOOL

    Prices from the UK to US just aren't comparable. Aragamax costs around $50 a bag RRP over here too Of the 11k price around £1650 of that will go to the government as sales tax. [ February 02, 2002: Message edited by: simonh ]</p> _________________ simmering Forum
  15. The Porche of Aquariums ....... DROOOOOOL

    A 280 gallon bowfront as shown in the picture can be seen in Tropicals & Marines in Richmond London and with all equipment included I am told it retails around 11k. I beleive Clearwater in Leicster has the 4ftish system with full equipment for around 4.5k. I won't go into my individual system...
