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Oh my god i think im going too...uh .....uh.....uh....


Heres the link to see all the other goodies David Saxby has consolidated from Europe and brought into Britain. David i want to have your babies!!!!


[ January 30, 2002: Message edited by: Mouse ]</p>


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A 200cm x 75cm x 60cm panorama for me finished in antique silver... Only a Porsche nah more like a Ferrari

Just a few other comments. You specify every piece of equipment and can take or leave what you want. Ideal for those who don't like DIY (me included). Expensive? Yes but they are a magnificent build on both tank and stand.

Just a comment on the pictures at the bottom of the webpage. They are of David Saxby's 2000+ gallon tank and the first picture was taken at feeding time.

[ January 30, 2002: Message edited by: simonh ]</p>
Mercedes 450SEL 6.9


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I wouldn't even want that. Half of the fun in this hobby is piecing it all together and fine tuning it to YOUR OWN specs. Besides, I would guess the average person would have to take out a second mortgage to afford that.

[ January 30, 2002: Message edited by: mariner ]</p>


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Yea, i was a little dubeous of the feet myself. How much pressure do you recon one of those little guys could take?


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I s'pose the people who could afford one of those would be able to hire an interior decorator to do the aquascaping; a Marine Biologist to select the livestock; maintenance company to do the water changes and feeding; the maid and butler could keep the outside dusted off; and have one of the "Gurus" on retainer!
But what a conversation piece at cocktail parties where the owner could tell guests he is a "Reefer"!



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Those feet are screw jacks which go into a steel frame which lies beneath the exterior. The number of feet depend on the size of the tank.

I know a few people here in the UK who have bought these systems and none of them have a maid, butler or anyone else to look after the system. I decided to get one as my tank is going to be placed in my living room so it had to look good. In the UK we don't have many quality tank manufacturers suchas the reef ready Oceanic and AGA. Usually it is a case of finding a decent local glass and cabinet maker. So introduction of Deltec tanks is a welcome step IMO.

As I said already they are expensive but reef keeping in UK and Germany is much more expensive than the US. For example, a Turbofloter in the US costs around $200 IIRC here in the UK it costs £220 ($320). In Germany one of the popular sump return pumps rated at 2000gph costs 1.5x as much as the AMPmaster 3000.
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So simon, what sort of damage would one of these do to your back pocket, or are we talking complete anal amputation.


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Hey Simonh,
No offense meant to anyone who has one of these; just appears to be a very high-dollar item.

Is that 11k price for the 280 Pounds or US Dollars?


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The pictures you see are from D. Saxby's enormous tank and depict only one leg of a 3 sided U-shaped aquarium (it occupies 3 walls of a room). They are taken at feeding time so the fish population seems a little dense in that particular corner of the tank. If you want to see more pictures/details of this tank take a look at TRA v. 2 and Nilsen & Fossa's MCRA v. 3.


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Wow that is pretty but I have to admit we have had some customers design tanks that are beautiful. I like the industrial look kinda posh right now... Cool though


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Man that is coooooool.
The only problem is that I am
And that is so EXPENSIVE!

I can't believe the prices
in the U.K. on equipement.

But that thing is cool cool cool.
I wonder why they haven't developed
something in that order over here?


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A 280 gallon bowfront as shown in the picture can be seen in Tropicals & Marines in Richmond London and with all equipment included I am told it retails around 11k. I beleive Clearwater in Leicster has the 4ftish system with full equipment for around 4.5k.

I won't go into my individual system cost. However, price is dependent on the equipment you choose. I went for 2 closed loops using pulsing Deltec pumps in addition to the sump return, a 3 pump Deltec 1060/S skimmer (equiv to the DAS BX-3) and a fluidised calcium reactor.
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David Saxbys tank has to be the eigth wonder of the world, nutter.

You know those big blue ball like sand filters, he has one of those FULL of ROWAPHOS, chemical phosphate remover, i cant emagine how much that costs him alone.

[ February 01, 2002: Message edited by: Mouse ]</p>

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