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Terry B

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I am wondering how many people here read the magazine and know that there is a forum dedicated to discussions about feature articles? I am just wondering why there haven't been any questions posted. Do people read it and not have any questions? Are people interested? Is it too complex or too simple? I am just trying to get some feedback so I will be better informed about how people feel and their interest level. Then I can take that into consideration in the future. I am kind of surprised that there isn't more activity in the feature discussion forum in all of the threads so I would like to know your opinion if you have one.
Terry B

john f

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I read it every month.

I will occasionally post to the BB as well.

I think the reason some don't is intimidation. They are afraid to come across as ignorant to the excellent aquarists we have on that board.

I only post when I have an issue with something in one of the articles. And then only after researching my position before posting.

That said, I don't see the need for two online magazines. Reefkeeping and Advanced aquarist could be combined and probably executed better that way. Heck, most of the authors write for both magazines already.



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I read it every month. I've posted a few times on the specific boards as well. When I have posted the responses are sometimes slow (which I completely understand, we are all busy). Which may turn some to just post about it in the General Discussion forum.

I also forget those boards are down there sometimes. :oops:

But, please do not take the participation level of the forums as a measure of the readership of the magazine! We love it!


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I read it too. I think john f is probably right about the intimidation factor of posting there.

AAOLM is a great publication and resourse! :)



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I read it every month.
I haven't posted because keeping up with yet another set of fourms is too time consuming.


Advanced Reefer
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i read it every month right away too but sometimes it is too advanced. but i like it that way because i can go back to it later and learn more each time, i wouldnt make it more simple.


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I read it every month as soon as it comes out. I really look forward to it. IMO it's the best of the two on-line magazines but both are welcome reading. I also second the notion of combining the two magazines. I don't see much reference to AA on reefcentral so I get the sense there is a competition thing going on.


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I read it each month. Most of the articles are very informative and answer questions rather than create questions for me.

FWIW, Nathan


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Look forward to it every month. I will keep the forums in mind...


Advanced Reefer
Upstate NY
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I read it every month too - also look forward to it. I haven't really found a need for the forums up to now. I've not had any specific questions concerning one of the pieces in the mag, but I'll keep those forums in mind...


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Me too! Read it every month. Most of the time the content is more advanced than I feel comfortable commenting or asking questions on. But I think I like it that way. Nonetheless, I've sent private emails to various authors who have always been more than helpful. The RDO general discussion forums are presently more than I can handle, but have infrequently found myself looking at the more advanced ones. Your posting will probably encourage me to check them out more.
gremlin pics


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I read it every month. Most times I do not have questions. But I did not know the forum existed.


Advanced Reefer
Livingston, NJ
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::thumbsuup:: very good read and knowledgeable contributors.

sometimes wish it was in pdf format though (option?).

i agree that intimidation can be a factor in its popularity. it is the Advanced Aquarist Magazine. i look to learn something every month but it may put off some people, especially newbies. jmo


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Terry B,
I read them monthly too. Enjoy and look forward to the each new release. I have posted questions in the past though the lastest never got a responce so simply stopped. Here is the link,http://reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=29466 though my linked pictures in question have since been removed. Notice the posted date.


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I read Advanced Aquarist every month. I particularily enjoy Richard Harker's Product Reviews and Rob Toonen's Aquarium Invertebrates. Also, many of Sanjay's articles on lighting were extremely useful.


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I read it every month. Here's the problems I have had in the past when trying to access the forums using the links given at the bottom of the articles:

a) link to forum list on the old BB software (this has happened even on recent articles long after the BB upgrade)
b) link to the incorrect forum

Usually, this means having to go to the forums via the Forums link at the top of the page and then searching through for the appropriate forum :(

Ferrari 166 Inter


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Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We use templates when we format articles for publication each month and apparently some of the templates were not updated properly. Our appologies. Consider the problem fixed for future issues.

If at any time anyone finds a problem or error, please feel free to bring it to our attention in either our Feedback and Questions forum ( http://www.reefs.org/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=2 ) or (preferably) in Terry Siegel's Editorial Discussion forum ( http://www.reefs.org/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=38 ).

Also as a FYI: If anyone has any suggestions on possible ideas or new features to add to Advanced Aquarist, we'd love to hear them. Please post the ideas, suggestions, etc in Terry Siegel's Editorial Discussion forum ( http://www.reefs.org/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=38 ).

Thank you,

Shane Graber


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I read it every month too, when I find time.

I've referred some of the local fish discussion group members to it too, but I think English is a bit daunting for many of them.



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read it every month-and refer to the archives often(heya Kev :P )-i think i've posted a q or two in the forums-but as nathan stated above-most of the articles generally answer more q's than they raise ;)

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