i was told using t5 will lower the temp only about 2-3 degrees. really??
i doubt the the zip lock full of cubes will be helpful since i'm out of the house 12hrs or so.
alexx i live in Cupey
:scratchch the a/c is in the opposite end of the house(master bedroom). i guess i'll look into a chiller. sh!t. the light here in PR is expensive and a chiller will just add to the bill
I'm very curious and would like to know if any of you guys with 65g tanks have t-5 lighting alone. i live in PR and the temps have been reaching close to 100 degrees and we haven't even started summer.
i would guess that almost all of you have mh since 65g are pretty tall tanks but i'm...
it all depends on how many stages the unit is, if you are using it for a nano or a large tank, where you live... etc. there isn't a specific answer to this question.