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Recent content by scarf_ace1981

  1. Spring means baby bunnies chicks and ducks!

    my dwarf rabbit gave birth to it's first litter last friday. it was only one and unfortunately it passed away. RIP PINKY
  2. True Black Onyx Perc Pic's

    schweet! i had a pair of these once in my 120g and they were nasty little buggers
  3. Un-invited Guests.

    awesome jose!
  4. Colorful, interesting critters recommendation

    harlequin shrimp(eat starfish) linkia starfish(need a mature tank) porcelain crab pom pom crab skunk cleaner shrimp coco worm(type of feather duster)
  5. calling all members with 65g

    i was told using t5 will lower the temp only about 2-3 degrees. really?? i doubt the the zip lock full of cubes will be helpful since i'm out of the house 12hrs or so. alexx i live in Cupey
  6. calling all members with 65g

    :scratchch the a/c is in the opposite end of the house(master bedroom). i guess i'll look into a chiller. sh!t. the light here in PR is expensive and a chiller will just add to the bill
  7. calling all members with 65g

    I'm very curious and would like to know if any of you guys with 65g tanks have t-5 lighting alone. i live in PR and the temps have been reaching close to 100 degrees and we haven't even started summer. i would guess that almost all of you have mh since 65g are pretty tall tanks but i'm...
  8. H2o's Tank

    i see you don't have a hood. any problems with fish going carpet surfing??
  9. I've never hated a fish until I bought domino damsels

    my gf saw some last week. good thing i didn't buy any to please her
  10. hundreds of corals and fish...FREE

    aren't you concerned about the elbows in the overflow being to close to the bottom??
  11. rodi longevity

    it all depends on how many stages the unit is, if you are using it for a nano or a large tank, where you live... etc. there isn't a specific answer to this question.
  12. Question on chipped 180 gal aquarium

    are the chips all on one pane of glass? if so you could always change that one pane. $275 delivered is not bad
  13. Flying Gurnard? Anyone have one of these?

    nope. that's a totally different fish
  14. 3 Year Anniversary Pics

    i went to your site and noticed (looking @ your FTS) that as the sps become more dominant the hammer has sort of stopped opening up. is this true??
  15. Mixing Gobies?

    it's really hit or miss. 30g for two small gobies should be fine
