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Recent content by sammystingray

  1. Hermits In Your Reef?

    Only scarlet reef hermits here......won't touch bluelegs. Ever see a blueleg NOT in an astrea shell? Scarlets and astreas work well for me.
  2. water change done...nitrates still too high

    As far as I see.....you have nothing to remove nitrates aside from hoping the rocks have enough anaerobic areas.....usually rocks won't cut it. Bio balls do not produce nitrates, and unless they are trapping waste, then they also don't even aide in nitrate levels. It basically seems to me....you...
  3. True or false percs? Trying to decide.

    I personally like false percs better based on looks, but ONLY if they have the black border. The true get too much black in my opinion, and they don't look as nice. This is good for me since false are so much cheaper. :D True percs have 10 dorsal spines....sometimes 9, and false have 11 dorsal...
  4. Awesome frags!

    Got pics?
  5. Can I do Acros?

    BTW, higher kelvins bulbs DON'T have as much intensity as lower kelvins.........it takes more watts to put out higher kelvvins so intensity is lost. Higher spectrum bulbs don't really have more blue........just less of other colors.........you are still fine.
  6. Can I do Acros?

    Mikef, I doubt anything hosting zooxanthellae would be lacking for light in your tank if placed correctly. Acros would be absolutely no trouble.
  7. missing arm...

    sorry, double post
  8. missing arm...

    First molt........it will be back.
  9. How to get crabs out of a Acropora?

    The only ones I know that are good are the little bandit crabs that live in acros and have a black strip across their eyes like a mask.....there are several "bad" crabs that live in acros as well, and eat the coral. I know there's a green one that's bad......but I don't know if your's good or...
  10. "Flame scallop" tentacle regeneration?

    2-3 months is no success at all.....when I first started in the hobby I had one alive for 9 months without a single day of feeding him. They take more than a few months to starve. For them to live long term.....A dense concentrated source of food must be present at all times in my opinion, and...
  11. Bristle Worm in my fuge

    Just like fish......these guys change their diet as they grow larger.....I would remove him. That's just my opinion though of course. Safe now doesn't mean safe later.
  12. encrusting something?

    Maybe a sponge? Do you see any openings? How about maybe something that looks like veins (water canals)? Even upon very close inspection...you still see no type of polyps such as a porite?
  13. the smallest adult Emperor Angel

    Can I ask why? Just curious.
  14. Algae/Bryopsis?

    I have never kept one, so I don't know how they get along with fish, or how they do in general, but lettuce nudis are known to eat the stuff, and lots of people lately are keeping them. Like I said.....just something for you to research since I haven't.
