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Recent content by RUaBatfish2

  1. Is it ok to feed fish flake food?

    I also questioned the shelf life of flake food. From Fenner's book The Conscientious Marine Aquarist: (referring to dry foods): "One of the first considerations is freshness, which is a major factor in a fish food's palatability and nutritiousness." and "Consider dry fish foods as similar to...
  2. Mak 4 quit after 8 months. What do I do?

    Kevro, I run a MAK4 for my skimmer and I just looked at the pump label and it has a phone number under Pacific Coast Aquarium Supply. It's 503-625-7936. I'm sure the pump is still under warranty. I am very suprised Premium doesn't know how to handle this. Damnhippo, this is a MAK4/GenX external...
  3. why southdown why not silica?

    My sandbed is silica and I have zero problems after 8 months in the new tank. No diatoms to speak of, and the sand critters don't seem to mind either. I have a 300 gal and I wansn't going to spend $35 a bag for aragonite. Instead, spent $4 for 100lb bag of pure white silica. I also use a Bullet...
  4. Metal Stand - Rust? Safe?

    There is an industry standard when it comes to steel stands for marine usage. The metal frames are powder coated which is like baking a finish that even saltwater can't penetrate. The company that built my tank manufactures commercial tanks and stands for public aquariums and hotels, etc. They...
  5. Opinion on Angels

    HenTer, for most of the 2 years he's been in a live rock only tank. When I moved him to his new 300 a few months ago, he was introduced to some corals. He was curious at first and nipped, but seems to be okay now. I have to choose what and where I place corals in the tank wisely. He seems to...
  6. Opinion on Angels

    I have a Blue-Faced angel in my 300 and he/she nips at the polyps if he's bored. I can't part with him since I had him for over 2 years and he's so beautiful.
  7. Dude....Where is my plug? just got my Iwaki

    Another thing, John, why don't you lighten up with the sarcasm. Maybe you should have supported the good 'ol USA when you bought the Canreefs. Good luck Josh with your new pump.
  8. Dude....Where is my plug? just got my Iwaki

    John, it sounds like he bought a larger Iwaki for $275. I think the American version only goes up to a Iwaki 40? Iwaki 70 and 100 are only Japanese built I think.
  9. whats the best place to buy flex ball socket tubing?

    I found the best MO place is Savko.com. for plumbing parts.
  10. Shark attack. (Photo) Anyone ever been bitten by one?!

    Even if that shark swam off with the arm, the authorities would have still hunted this shark down and killed it. In this circumstance where the shark had the boy's arm, I think they really had to do it, regardless of the animal's rights. This was an unfortunate incident, but we have to respect...
  11. 300 gallon reef aquarium

    I just set up a new 300 6 months ago. I use a Dolphin AmpMaster 3000. It's a very quiet cool running pump. It delivers good return from the sump. I also have a Iwaki MD70 as a general circulation pump also to add more water flow. It runs on a closed loop from the tank. As for a trickle/sump, I...
  12. Ozonizer or UV. What would you choose.

    Idua, how about saving your money for more important equipment. UV is a waste of money and I don't believe it will cure ick or at least kill it off. I have 2 UV units sitting in a closet and Ozone can be dangerous if not used correctly. These units will not help in an emergency. It's very easy...
  13. Update on new 415 gallon tank and pics of new skimmer and re

    I tend to agree with FMarini. I don't think that gate will handle the double beckett. It will probably need a 2" gate. Even with that gate wide open, the water level may be too high and produce an overflowing wet foam.
  14. Poll - Best looking fish

    I agree with Guy. The Blue-faced Angel is stunning when healty with its collage of colors.
